Chapter Four

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Sarah woke up and couldn't find her mom in bed which was strange to her. She was very pleased to know that her mom has gone back to her normal self.
Sarah let out a sigh of relief and rushed out of the room to join her mother in the kitchen. She didn't see her mom in the kitchen and asked one of the neighbours if they saw her mom and didn't get a good response. 

 She went on with her usual chores thinking that the mom might have gone to the customers in the market to get them more goods.

Sarah went on with the normal daily activities hoping to see her mom back home with the goods so she can go hawking as usual. She sent the boys to school and did all the house chores.

Sweat broke out of her face waiting for her mom by the entrance of their compound. soon the boys returned from school ate their lunch and still no sign of their mother. Sarah became concerned that she went to the market in search of her mom.

"It's been a while since I last saw your mother Sarah. Maybe you should wait for her at home okay?"

Said the tenth person she asked in the market as she strode away thinking of what might have happened to their mother.

The children waited for days, weeks and the second month. Life was very tough for them, they were out of supplies. Thank God the second month was vacation, the boys joined Sarah in hawking oranges which was  their only source of income. Their father came in after two weeks of their mother's disappearance, he gave the children some money after listening to their cry for help and complains of their missing mother.

Mr. James suspected that his wife Becky might have left him with the children, he left the house thinking of what to do.


Rebecca got to Lagos, settled in with her friend who introduced her to a new life style.

"Jane, I'm very worried about my children"


"I'm a mother, what do you expect?"

"That I enjoy while my children die of hunger?"

"Look at you now, looking different! When you save up money, you can send them some things"

"Jane, I can't complain right, but I just feel guilty"

"Well, don't"

"James will find a way, just relax and have a good time here okay"

Rebecca knew that things at home must be bad for the kids, but going back will not help their situation. She was just starting a new life Lagos, even though her friend is pushing her to do some things that she didn't like. She remembered one of Jane's customers forcing her to have beer with him, when she refused Jane shouted at her in way that made the whole customers glared and laughed at her. Becky felt so humiliated and never said no to any of them again.

Jane always told her to ask the men for money before anything, she couldn't believe she has turned into a cheap whore.

Back then in her house, she was the boss of her home. No man disrespected her except her husband, who sees her as a piece of furniture. Now she has to face the consequences of making the decision of coming to stay with her childhood friend who promised her lots of things that she is yet to see any.


After three months of suffering Mr. James's elder sister showed up one afternoon to check on the children. The kids could only stare at her because they've never seen her before, they only welcomed her in because she came in with their father.

"James, I can only take the girl with me because she can be helpful to me"

"And I hope you are hardworking as you father said you are, because I won't hesitate to send you to the village to join your brothers"

"Village? Are we going to be apart ma'am? Please don't separate us, I can take care of them" with tears flooding Sarah eyes.

"Keep quiet girl!"

"You should be grateful I accepted to take you! You have no say in this matter or you will be left to starve to death"

"I'm sorry ma'am....

"You better be, now go in there and get anything you know you have because I can't spend another minute in this hellhole".

Sarah stormed to the corner to get her little sack which content is just a gown, two shorts and one t-shirt and some worn out blouses and skirts. She could see her father sober for the first time in many years. He hardly say anything or argues with the sister just yes or nods to agree to everything she says.

"Take the boys to mother right now it's just one hour drive anyway, I will head back to Abuja with her and pray that she doesn't gives me any problems at home or I promise to send her back to you".

She muttered something and brought out her wallet from her handbag, counted some money and gave it to her brother.

"Well can you at least change into something better?"

"Ma'am this is my newest clothe" the rest are worn out"

"And that?......" Pointing to her legs.

"Where are your shoes, sandal or something else not this ugly bathroom slippers?"

"Sorry ma, this is all I have"

"What's wrong with your mother? She couldn't even take good care of you children".

"Get your bag please!"

Looking at Sarah and the sack in her hands, she felt so embarrassed that she stormed out of the room. Sarah followed her to the car parked few blocks from their house for lack of parking space.

James took the boys to his aged mother in the village and returned back to his lifestyle. The neighbours could only glare and duck their heads wondering what will become of the children and the ware about of their mother.


Sarah saw the big city for the first time in her life. There were lots of beautiful vehicles on the road, people dressed in different ways and it's not Sunday yet. She imagine how her brothers are doing in their new home, they've never left home before. All their lives were spent in that compound but now they have to live apart.

"Mother where are you? Why did you leave us?"  Sarah whispered with her eyes shut.

She opened her eyes and studied her aunt who was a total stranger to her. She has been busy with her phone since they got into the car, she only glares at Sarah in some occasions and sips her water.

The driver drove the car into an estate and parked. The woman got down and walked into a beautiful house, Sarah ran after her, holding her sack to her chest.

Sarah was ushered to the maid's room and given a corner where she had a bed and basket to keep her clothes.


"You must be Sarah from the village? Madam told us that she will be bringing a new maid from the village"

"Oh yes, I'm Sarah, what's your name?"

"Patricia, I'm happy to have a roommate and colleague"


The girls chatted about their families and slept off to wake up early for the usual.


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