Chapter 9 - Help

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A lot of people preferred sunsets over sunrises, but Muskaan thought they were equally pretty. She peacefully watched the sunrise. Muskaan couldn't sleep a bit last night. Too much was troubling her. She tried to figure out what was real what was a dream. The night seemed liked it was never going to end. Maybe she didn't want it to end. Muskaan wasn't ready to face her horrible reality. The man she loved was not hers, possibly never hers? And her niece didn't know she was her aunt. Muskaan was aware once she's out of this hospital she had to make things right. She would tell Vaani the truth. And Ishaan.. she didn't know what to do with Ishaan. Honestly she didn't want to see him. Being close to him hurt her badly. Her world had fallen apart. Muskaan looked around. The depressing hospital room didn't really add well to her mood. Muskaan closed her eyes hoping she would be able to get some little rest.

Few hours later the doctor along with Ishaan came into her room. Muskaan's heart beat faster. He had an impact on her she couldn't explain. She loved him, but he didn't love her. Muskaan was sad again.
"Ms. Singh, I've got good news for you, you're being released today, you can go home, everything seems fine. Just don't pressure your foot and get some good amount of rest." The doctor explained to her.
"Thank you." Muskaan mumbled.
"Oh and please make an appointment for next week, just a checkup."
"Will do that."
The doctor finished his work and left.
That left Ishaan and Muskaan alone.
Muskaan couldn't look at him. It hurt. Everything hurt.
"So, how about you get your things and I'll get everything ready so we can go home?" Ishaan suggested.
Muskaan just nodded. She couldn't even get herself to talk to him.
Ishaan left to prepare everything.
Muskaan tried to stand up and get her stuff but groaned in pain and sat back. She hated her condition.
Five minutes later Ishaan returned to the room.
"No.." she admitted.
"What why?" Ishaan asked.
Muskaan hated to admit it, but she depended on him. The last person she wanted to depend on.

"I- well my leg.." she explained to him.

"Oh right I'm sorry, well why don't you let me help you!" Ishaan said. He grabbed her stuff and gave it to her. He turned around to face the door and not her.

"You can change, I'll wait here."
Muskaan wasn't sure of the idea first, but got changed anyway. It was exhausting considering her leg burdening her.

"Alright I'm ready, we can go." Muskaan said quiet unsure. She tried to grab her things and walk but was in too much pain to do so. Her thoughts were troubling her so much she didn't even realise the pain her leg caused her.

"Wait, wait! We can't have any off that can we!" Ishaan said and grabbed her bag.

"Can you walk?"
She shook her head. It hurt too much. Ishaan had to come up with something. He didn't want to see her in pain, or force any pain onto her.
"I'll carry you!" He said.

"What no, I don't want to trouble you." She said.

"Oh it's nothing really." He said and picked her up bridal style. Muskaan flinched at his touch. She couldn't understand how his touch had such an impact on her. Ishaan carried her and her bag to the car. Arrived at the car he gently put her in the back seat where she had more space to rest her leg.
"Everything comfortable?" He made sure.
"Yes thank you Ishaan.." she said shyly.
Ishaan himself sat down in the driver's seat and began driving. Muskaan was very quiet. She was thinking about everything. She needed answers. At first she hesitated, but then gathered her courage and asked him.

"Ishaan, may I ask you something?"

"Sure go ahead, what is it?"

"What happened, I mean the accident and everything?"

Ishaan hesitated a little. He wasn't sure whether to tell her about everything that happened that day. But he wanted to be honest with her.

"Well, I said something that upset you, then you ran away and slipped and hit your head on the stairs."

"So that really happened?"


"Oh nothing.." so everything from then had to be a dream. Muskaan let out a long sigh. It was a awkward and very silent drive.

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