Chapter 15 - Back

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Aunty, when are you coming back? Vaani asked her aunt with sad puppy eyes.

I'm trying to visit you soon. If I can get vacation from work I'll visit you I promise.

But tomorrow is my birthday..
She sighed.

Chin up princess! I'm sorry I can't be there with you tomorrow! But I bet I got the best birthday present for you!
Muskaan smirked a big smirk. Vaani had no idea what was awaiting her.
A knock on Vaani's door interrupted them.

Oh I'm sorry, I had no idea you're still talking to Muskaan. I'll come back later.
Ishaan apologized. Muskaan's heart skipped a beat. She hadn't heard his voice in over two years now. Yet his voice had still the same impact on her.

"Darling, we have to go." Echoed from the living room. That totally ripped Muskaan out of her thoughts.

Vaani sweetie I have to go, we'll talk tomorrow!
Muskaan said and quickly hung up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to end your call." Ishaan said.

"It's alright dad, you heard she had to go anyway." Vaani said while closing her laptop.

"I just wanted to say that lunch is ready.."

"I'll be down in a minute."
Ishaan nod and left to go to the dining table. Vaani recalled her conversation with her aunt. She tried to figure out who that person calling for her could be.

"Muskaan if we don't leave now we'll miss our flight!" Alexandre said a little inpatient.

"I'm sorry baby, let us go!" Muskaan said while grabbing her things and walking to the taxi. They drove off to the airport. Arrived at the airport they quickly head to the plane. Soon they would take off. Their destination was home.

"I can't believe I'll be back home tomorrow, I missed Vaani so much!"
Muskaan said excited. She couldn't keep in her happiness and excitement. She had missed Vaani so much and even if she didn't like to admit she had missed Ishaan too.

"I hope she'll like me." Alexandre said.

"Oh I'm sure she will, just be yourself, she'll get used to you! I mean she has to! You're my fiancé!" She giggled.

"Yes you're right."

"Obviously, I'm always right"

"Whatever." He laughed.

Muskaan rolled her eyes at him. She loved this man. She was so happy that she had met Alex. It was faith that they found their way to each other. Ever since 2 Muskan first arrived in France he has been her best friend and coworker. They were more than coworkers from day one. And after their sight seeing day they just hit it off. They eventually began dating and last year he popped the big question. Of course Muskaan said yes. She loved him deeply. He didn't hurt her, he made her feel good. Muskaan was glad Alex made her move on and find a new love and happiness. She slowly closed her eyes and drifted of to sleep.

Alex softly tapped her shoulder.
"Muskaan, wake up! We landed."
Muskaan slowly opened her eyes and rubbed them. She looked around and realized they had landed. Eager she stood up and grabbed her stuff.
"It feels good to be back home." Muskaan said taking in the homeland air. She had forgotten how it felt like to be home. Even if she made herself a comfortable place to stay in France it didn't matter. It didn't matter how hard she tried, it just didn't feel like home like it does now. Alex and Muskaan first drove to their new bought two story house. Arrived they stored their suitcases, put on something more suitable and left.

Muskaan took a deep breath.
Muskaan nodded and rang the bell.

"I'll get it!" Vaani yelled and ran to the door. She assumed it was one of her friends dropping by to congratulate her on her birthday. Vaani opened the door and to her surprise it was her aunt standing in front of the door. Her jaw dropped. She couldn't believe her eyes. It felt like a dream. Too good to be true.

"A-aunty it's you?!" She said tears flooding down her cheeks.

"Hi my baby I missed you!" Muskaan said while embracing her with a big hug, swirling her around.

"I can't believe you're actually here!"
She smiled wide. She was truly happy.
Vaani's eyes gazed over to the strange man.

"Oh I'm sorry where are my manners. This is Alexandre my fi-"

"Muskaan? Is it really you?" Ishaan said not believing her presence. He walked down the stairs and rushed over to her. He was filled with thousands of emotions. He gave her a big tight hug.
"Yes it's me. I missed you Ishaan." She said smiling shyly.
"Its so good to have you back. I mean wow look at you!" Ishaan looked at her. He didn't know how it was possible, but in those two years she had become even more beautiful.
Alexandre cleared his throat.

"Oh yes sorry. Meet Alexandre, my fiancé!" Muskaan said taking his hand and dragging him closer inside.

"Its a pleasure to meet you two, Vaani your aunt has told me such great things about you!"
Ishaan and Vaani were deeply shocked.
Muskaan had never mentioned a Fiancé. She didn't know whether to be happy for her aunt or sad for her father. Vaani knew her father had never fallen out of love with her. Ishaan was hurt. Someone had set his heart on fire. There he was all happy seeing her again and then this. He looked sadly at Muskaan. He really tried to be happy for her, but couldn't.

"I wish I could say the same, but unfortunately my aunt had never mentioned you." She said trying to break the awkward silence.

"What a pity, but that's how she is forgetting the important things." Alex laughed and put an arm around her.
Muskaan looked sadly at Ishaan. She couldn't bare seeing him sad. She realised that she had broken his heart. But after all she wasn't the one to blame. It was his own fault. Things could've been different now.

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