Chapter 20 - Right decision

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The next day Muskaan decided to go and meet Ishaan. She hadn't gone to him the previous day. She had gone to one of her best friends house. Muskaan didn't have the energy to see anyone. After all Alex had said her thoughts were going all the way. She couldn't sort her thoughts. Did she make the right decision? Was it a good idea to leave Alex for Ishaan? Would he ever cheat on her. Thoughts over thoughts. Mysteries to be solved. She wandered down the street and finally reached his house. She rang the bell and waited for someone to open. Ishaan quickly rushed and opened the door.

"Muskaan! Come in, it's so lovely to see you!" Muskaan walked in and sat down on the couch.

"What's wrong, you seem troubled?" He added. Muskaan looked at him while he sat down next to her.

"I broke up with Alex and.." she hesitated. Was she going to mention her lack of trust towards him. Definitely not. She couldn't risk him misinterpreting the situation. She didn't have the nerve for that.

"And yeah I broke up with him."

"How are you feeling?" Ishaan said unsure trying to comfort her. His heart was making loops. He was secretly happy she broke up with him. Finally no one would stand in between them. They would finally be together forever. This time no one was going to interfere. These two against the world.

"I'm fine I guess." Muskaan said monotone. Although she was the one who had left Alex she still felt sad. Somewhere she did love Alex. But her love for Ishaan was just bigger. She had to focus on that and not let the past dwell on her.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." She said and smiled a little.
Just in that moment Vaani came walking down the stairs.

"Oh hi aunty! I didn't know you were here!" She rushed over to her and hugged her aunt. Immediately Muskaan's mood was lifted.

"Hey my sweetheart, I'm happy to see you!" Ishaan smiled at the sight of the two of them. His two girls.

"What's new?" Vaani asked while she sat down in front of them.

"Alex and I are no longer engaged."

"What? Why! You two were so in love weren't you!?" She gasped.

"Ehm.. well.." Muskaan felt a little uncomfortable telling her the truth. She didn't want her niece to think she was some kind of bad person even though she was. Ishaan looked sadly to the ground. He felt jealous all of a sudden. He wished he hadn't wasted those years and that Muskaan would've been his girlfriend or who knows wife already.

"Well.. I-I didn't love him anymore."

"How come?" Vaani asked curiously.

"Is it because of someone else?" She teased.

"Vaani!" Ishaan said firmly.

"Sorry, just asking.."

"It's alright. Perhaps it is because of someone else."

"Who?" Now Ishaan asked curiously.

"You two will meet him when the time has come. He's very handsome, muscular, gorgeous eyes, just the perfect guy." Muskaan said while trying to hold back her laughter. She enjoyed teasing Ishaan and making him jealous.

"Wow that sounds awesome aunty! I'm dying to meet him!" Vaani said trying to keep her laughter in as well. She had caught on who was meant with that and enjoyed teasing her father as well.

"I sure would like to meet him." He said pissed.

"I think you two need to talk." Vaani said and walked into the kitchen.

"Really Muskaan? Someone else?!"
Muskaan started laughing out loud.

"What's so funny??"

"You!" She said laughing.

"God you're an idiot Ishaan!" She smiled.

"Hey that's not nice." Ishaan said with a little pout.

"But that's okay, because you're my idiot." Muskaan said while throwing her arms around his neck and snuggling close to him.

"So you meant me?"

"Of course silly, who else could I possibly mean, I left my fiancé for you after all!"

"So for me huh?"
Muskaan nodded.



"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love nothing more than that."

"I love you!"

"I love you too!" She said and kissed him with all her love. Maybe she did the right thing leaving Alex. It was the right decision. This felt so much better.
Finally everything was going to be perfect.

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