Chapter 22 - Conclusion

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Muskaan woke up feeling very tired the following day. She couldn't keep an eye closed last night. Lots of thoughts were troubling her mind. She was overthinking the whole situation. Muskaan let out a long sigh and stood up. She didn't even bother fixing up herself, because she was feeling horrible. Muskaan went downstairs and joined her best friend for breakfast.

"Oh my, you don't look very well." Lucía said concerned.

"I don't feel very well either.. I couldn't sleep at all last night."

"Overthinking again?"

"You know me Lucía, I couldn't help it.." Muskaan looked sadly down at her pancake and tried to eat a bit. She didn't feel like eating since her appetite had vanished, but she didn't want to be rude and just trash her friends effort.

"Look, you need to make a decision! Is it going to be Alex, Ishaan or no one?"
Muskaan looked up to her friend. She didn't know what to say. Her mind and heart were confused.

"I knew it was going to be Ishaan, but after what Alex had said I just don't know anymore... I mean he wasn't wrong.."

"Ignore whatever Alexandre said okay? He said it with anger, he probably didn't mean it! What matters is what you think of your and Ishaan's relationship. Besides may I recall that you're no miss goody two-shoes either."

"I know! That's why it's unfair of me to doubt him and judge him. But I just can't stop it. I don't wanna risk being hurt again you understand?"

"Yes I do understand, but you should make a decision, this is not fair to any one of you guys."

"Thanks for the help Lu. I appreciate it." Muskaan hugged her best friend tightly and finished eating up her breakfast.

"By the way, speaking of Ishaan. He exploded your phone last night, you better check on that."

"Oh thanks!" Muskaan said and grabbed her bag and took out her phone. Indeed he had texted her a lot. Muskaan felt bad for making him worry so much about her, but she just needed a break from him and everything. She decided to call him back and let him know she's well.

"Muskaan oh my god finally, where have you been?! I was so worried! Where are you?"

"Sorry for not calling you earlier, I visited my best friend and I just forgot to tell you."

"That's alright. I'm just glad you're alright. Should I come pick you up?"

"I guess.."

"Alright I'll be there soon." He said and hung up. Half an hour later he showed up at her door and picked her up. Muskaan silently sat in the car and looked out the window. She felt the awkward silence slowly suffocating her.

"Alright Muskaan, I can tell, what's wrong?" Ishaan asked.


"Don't lie, please tell me!" He said while still focusing on his driving. Muskaan debated whether to tell him or not. She didn't know how to break it down to him.

"Perhaps you stop the car for a second."
Ishaan did as she said. He parked somewhere and began talking to her.

"Now Ishaan don't get me wrong okay? I'm.. I'm just having a few doubts about our relationship."

"What why?! What did that idiot tell you?" He said confused and annoyed.

"N-nothing in particular.. it's just how can I make sure you won't hurt me again and or leave me for someone better?" Ishaan was shocked she would even think of something like that. Yes sure he had done huge mistakes in the past. But didn't everyone deserve a second chance?

"Muskaan, I won't hurt you, I promise. If you don't believe me I can show you, but just to reassure you, there is no one better than you, because you are the best!"


"No let me finish. I did a huge mistake with letting you go, but I won't make that mistake every again. Despite what everyone says I love you, forever and with all my heart. and if you don't believe I'll show you!" So there they were. Driving somewhere. Muskaan having no clue where. But something told her that everything was going to be just alright.

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