chapter 04

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after a few weeks, jihye started to act so weird. she was sort of avoiding me but she's still talking to me. a little.

because of that, i started to hang out with hyena more. i was packing my things  before going to get lunch and jihye was about to leave. i called her, "jihye!"

jihye turns around to look at me. the glare she gave me was so cold. i got scared for some reason. "uh? wanna get lunch together?" i asked a little confidently.

she looked at her watch and looked back at me again. "i'm sorry, i need to go to the library. i need to finish something." she turns around and was about to leave.

"jihye!" i called her out again. she looked at me again with an annoyed expression.

am i too annoying?

"...can i c-come with you?" i hesitated to ask. maybe she's having a bad mood or something. she looks scary when she's mad or cold.

"no." she replied coldly and left the classroom.

she really did change a lot.

since i'm not that hungry, i decided to follow her in the library.

i entered the library and only a few people were there. i looked around to look for jihye. there were some students on the table, reading and i suddenly saw jihye.

but she's with someone.

i decided to hide on a bookshelf that's close to her seat. i squinted my eyes and saw that it wasn't a girl but a boy.

it was jeon wonwoo.

i do remember him saying that he likes staying in the library because he reads books.

is this the reason why jihye is avoiding me?

i'm too childish to feel this but i feel jealous. i haven't talked to wonwoo ever since he transferred here.

"thank you, jihye for coming." wonwoo said with a low sigh "of course! i can tutor you anytime." i heard jihye's voice.

i looked at them again as jihye brought out a math book. as i was about to leave, i hit my back in the bookshelf causing for some books to fall.

you did well, eunkyung.

i looked at the corner of my eyes, both of them are looking at me. this is embarrassing.

as i bent down to pick up the books and hiding my face from them, i heard wonwoo lowly speak, "eunkyung?"

i stopped picking up the books and my heart raced so fast. i breathed in and out before looking back to them.

"hi?" i picked up the books and placed them on their proper shelf. i looked at jihye, she kind of looks like annoyed and confused at the same time.

"what are you doing here?" wonwoo asks with a friendly tone "a-ah... i-i'm just-" "wanna join our tutoring?" jihye looked at wonwoo in disbelief.

"i mean... if it's fine with jihye." i said "of course. she's your bestfriend. come on, sit with us." wonwoo invited.

to be honest, i don't want to. i just want to pop off like a bubble.

"it's fine with me. let's ask her, maybe she doesn't want to." jihye spoke.

does she want me out of here? "u-uh.." i stuttered. wonwoo sighed and pulled me to sit beside him.

i was shocked. my heart was pounding so fast. my breath became short and i couldn't do anything but stare at wonwoo.

i'm fluttering, butterflies were on my stomach and wonwoo and i were just staring at each other.

when i got back to my senses, i broke eye contact with wonwoo and cleared my throat. "yeah... let's start." i couldn't even look at him.

i tilted my head a bit up to look at jihye.

she was... glaring at me.


i'm running out of ideas i'm sorry :>
rlly boring actually sorry

jihye's povseventiiinnn

hey guys! just a note!
please do check out jihye's pov so that you can understand the point of both the character and so that you won't get confused!
that's all, thank you !

lots of love,

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