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years have passed and the memory was still tragic. me, joshua and jihye finally finished college while for eunkyung.

stays in her grave.

every after class, i go to her grave and give her flowers. as the others withers away. two days ago was my graduation and i decided to visit her today.

i gave her new fresh flowers. her favorite, white roses.

i sat down on the cold grass as i smiled bitterly. "i finally finished college, my love." i said. "i hope we would be together right now."

"by the way, i brought new flowers. they're your favorite." i spoke. tears threaten to fall down my eyes as i sobbed.

everything would be so perfect if you were here. we would do a lot of things together. i never opened my heart for the past four years because i know, you're here.


it's been four years since i came here. i breathed in and i was too nervous for no reason. "you missed this?" my mom asked.

"i did." i replied. i finally finished college in a different country and i decided to move back here to work or to meet new friends.

the memory was tragic how i got into that car crash. i was walking down the streets in a busy night in seoul.

there were street dancers and everyone was walking around, buying stuff and going back home. i rubbed my hands together to keep myself warm.

i kept walking around to see if i could buy something or give something to my new neighbor since i just moved.


me, joshua and jihye were chatting in a cafe and both of them are still happily in a relationship. which sometimes, i get jealous of.

we were sitting beside a large window so we can see the beautiful view of people walking around and there were street dancers.

i was too drawn away to the scenery. everyone looked beautiful and the loudness outside makes it more lively.

a hand came to wave in my face as i jolted in surprise, "hello, wonwoo?" jihye chuckles. i sighed as i drank my coffee.

jihye sighs as she plays with her fingers, "i wish eunkyung was here with us." she says. "isn't it nice? if eunkyung was here we would still be... happily together." joshua says.

i locked my lips as i looked at my cup of coffee. "wonwoo," joshua says "why don't you look for other girls? there were a lot of girls in the campus liking you." joshua smiles.

i sighed, "no, joshua." "you can't just reject them. look, you have to move on. eunkyung... isn't with us anymore, i'm sorry."

i was about to cry.

i don't want to think that eunkyung isn't here with us. with me.

jihye patted joshua's back, "just let him be." she whispers. "i understand how you feel, wonwoo. it isn't easy and i know it. it's also not going great for me since i lost my best friend." jihye replies.

i nodded at her as she gives me a heart warming smile.

i looked at outside again.

but there was this girl, laying her back on a light stand. she was looking down on her phone but i wanted to make sure.

she slowly looks up and made eye contact with me.

it can't be...

"wonwoo?" jihye calls. she looks at where i was looking but she frowns, "do you see something?" she asks.

i immediately went outside but she started to walk away. i tried to catch up with her and when i did, i grabbed her arm.

i looked at her.

it's eunkyung.

she stared at me and then frowns, "uhh, sir? hello? do i know you?" she asks nicely. i licked my dry lips as i felt my heart pounding.

sir? she doesn't know my name?

"i'm wonwoo! don't you remember?" i said softly, almost like a whisper. "i'm sorry, i-i don't." she replied with a smile.

my world shattered into pieces. she doesn't know me. she forgot about me. this is a joke, isn't it?

"eunkyung?" i looked behind me to see jihye and joshua. "uhh, hi guys? you know me?" she asks innocently.

i looked at jihye, she was also confused as well as joshua. "you don't... remember us?" i asked. "o-oh umm, i'm sorry i got into a car accident four years ago so.. i'm sorry if i don't." she bits her lower lips shyly.

i slowly released my grip from her hand as she looks up at me. "i'm sorry, i gotta go but i hope we all meet soon." she said as she waves a goodbye at us and walks away.

"she doesn't remember us." joshua said "wait, how come? she's dead, isn't she?" jihye asks "then no one is on her grave?" joshua asks again.

"she wasn't dead after all. how silly of us." i replied.

happy seventeen day !!

jihye's pov — seventiiinnn

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