chapter 12

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classes ended pretty early and as i walk out of the school gates, i felt someone grab me and it was wonwoo.

i smacked his arm and he frowns at me, "don't do that to me i got scared!" i whined. he gives a smile, "i'm sorry. let's go?" i nodded and we walked together.

as we walked together, our hands would brush accidentally and he payed for all we bought although i tried to pay for myself but he refused.

as the sun sets, he took me in a beautiful garden café, where the sun set in front of us and there were flowers surrounding us.

as i looked at the sun go down, i smiled to myself, "thank you, wonwoo." on the corner of my eyes, i can see him staring at me.

i felt his hand intertwine mine as i looked down. our hands were interlocked with each other. my heart started to bounce and he moved closer to me.

"i should be the one thanking you." he spoke with his soothing low voice and i looked at him, "thank me for what?" i asked.

he looked at the sky as it slowly turns into a dark shade of blue. "for being with me. when there are hard times, you don't hesitate to help me." i bit my lip.

"that's what friends do." i said. wonwoo's smile dropped as he let out a big sigh.

"am i only a friend to you?" he asked. i looked at him with confusion as i hummed for him to repeat what he said.

he looked directly in my eyes and held both of my hands. "am i only a friend to you, eunkyung?" he asks.


i like you.

i like you, jeon wonwoo.

i sighed and looked away at him. "i-" "eunkyung? wonwoo?" we both looked around and saw his friends, seungkwan and seokmin.

i quickly let go of his hands. "ooh, i see, you guys are together, right?" seokmin asked with a grin on his face. wonwoo decides to place his arm on my shoulder and pulled me closer.

"yeah, were dating." wonwoo spoke.

i stared at him.

seungkwan immediately pulled seokmin's arms. "i'm sorry guys if we interrupted your lovey dovey moment. u-uh, congrats, wonwoo and eunkyung! i hope you guys last long!"

and they left immediately. wonwoo looked at me, "am i that handsome?" i got back to my senses and pulled away from him.

i remembered what he said and looked at him with my eyebrows creased.

"w-wait, we're dating?" i asked.

"are we?"

both of us didn't say a word. "well, you didn't answer my question if you think me just as a friend so...?" i sighed.

"what if i do?" i asked "what if what?" i rolled my eyes and tried to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him.

"what if what?" he asked again. "wonwoo, i like you." i spoke. he smiles and lets go of me. "you should've made things easier because i like you too, eunkyung."

before i could speak, both of our phones rang making us distracted. i immediately checked and it was from the freedom wall again.

posted a second ago

omg so eunkyung is now dating wonwoo and jihye is now dating joshua? how interesting... someone prepare some popcorn for me so i can watch them being the slut they are.

- anonymous

i immediately texted jihye about the post.

check the freedom wall NOW


just check it!

"eunkyung, i think you didn't see the picture attached." wonwoo said and showed me the picture.

i let out a gasp. "how can this be?" wonwoo asked. "it's only us in here."

"hyena is behind all of this." i spoke "hyena? isn't she your friend?" wonwoo asked confusingly "i thought she was. i was wrong about her. she's completely stalking us. both me and jihye. i'm sorry you got involved."

"it's fine. maybe you should confront hyena about it or maybe... do you have proof?" wonwoo asked "not really but she's always on this freedom wall page. i'm completely sure it's her." i replied.

"make it a hundred percent sure it's her. what if it's not her all along? maybe borrow her phone for a second." i sighed and stared at the picture.

it was a picture of jihye and joshua kissing and me hanging out with wonwoo.


jihye's pov — seventiiinnn

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