chapter 20

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me and jihye finally lived the life we wanted. no dramas, no bullies and just chilling with wonwoo and joshua.

"oh my god," jihye sighs "we're finally done with our finals! we'll be college next year!" she squealed in excitement.

"by the way, i applied for seoul national university, korean university and daegu university!" i replied "me too!" she replied happily.

"results are coming out this day and i'm so nervous! i hope we get accepted so we get to be classmates again." i nodded at her. "don't worry, we won't be." i smiled at her.

"results are out!" someone shouted. jihye and i immediately ran to the cork board where there were paper pinned of all the students that passed in different universities.

lee jihye - seoul national university

my face dropped when i saw my name. jihye looked at me with a frown, "what's wrong?" she asks. she looked at the paper, looking for my name.

park eunkyung - daegu university

i was the only one left out. wonwoo and joshua are going to the same university as jihye. jihye hugged me and patted my back.

"it's alright." jihye says "can i transfer?" i asked, hoping "i don't think so because..." she sighs and hugs me tighter.

"look, it's okay!" she smiles "we can call each other everyday and hang out on weekends!" she adds.

"i don't know." i said as i looked down. jihye whispers in my ear, "i'll keep an eye on wonwoo for you." i chuckled at her statement and i hugged her.

"i'm gonna miss you." i said "same goes to me." she replied.

the next few days, i tried to distance myself from them. jihye and wonwoo was trying so hard to get my attention but i just don't know why.

i never joined them for lunch, the three of them were obviously concerned. they also tried to join me but i would leave immediately.

"okay, that's it. you're not the eunkyung i know." jihye speaks "who are you and what did you do to my bestfriend?" i sighed.

"i'm still here but half of me is dead." i replied. "i'm sorry to offend you but deal with it." i sighed loudly and buried my face on my pillow.

"c'mon, let's get some fresh air you're jailing yourself in your room." she drags my arm "no!" i whined.

"i'm gonna drag you out if you don't come." i stood up and she smiled. i changed my clothes and she brought me in a place that is somehow familiar.

she covered my eyes with fabric and i was getting tired, "what is this silly thing?" i asked "just wait." she replied.

she sat me down and i took off my blindfold. they were singing happy birthday. i scanned my eyes in the room and there were polaroids hanging around.

it was joshua, jihye and wonwoo's picture and with me.

"today is your birthday, silly!" jihye says. "and.. just remember, we're always here for you."

she pulled out a freshly new book and i looked at her confusingly. "another book? but the first one already got us in trouble." jihye chuckles.

"this one it's different. it's for you! write your feelings down! like a diary." she smiles. as i was scanning my eyes, i looked around.

"it's our old school." i mumbled "time flies so fast." we both chuckled and celebrated.

hanging out with them does make me wanna tear up and hug them as tight as i could. but i know for sure, all of us will remain in our hearts.

jihye's pov — seventiiinnn

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