chapter 17

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"jihye, you need to stop it's not good for you." i patted her back as she sighs out loud. "we need to catch her!" jihye replied, frustrated.

"or him." i said. "do we have to stay in our dorms again? tonight?" jihye asks. "well... most probably." i replied sadly.

the whole situation is getting worse. i promised jihye that i'll be on her side through this and we will catch whoever is doing this.

when me, jihye, wonwoo and joshua were together, eunseo suddenly went up to us. "hi, jihye." she spoke softly.

jihye hummed in response, "i saw this pasted on your locker so it might be nice to bring it to you." she replied shyly.  jihye takes the creamy white envelope and smiled at her.

"do you want to join us today?" jihye invites. eunseo gave her a reassuring smile and shook her head, "no thanks. i have to go now."

she waved a goodbye and walked away. "i think i know who 's' is." i said to jihye. "who?" she asks.

"i might be wrong but i think it's miyeon." jihye's eyebrows crease, "what? that can't be." she said.

"i told you, i'm not sure but when seungkwan brought up the old toilet thing miyeon started to change the topic and she looked pretty uncomfortable." i replied.

"maybe because she's not comfortable talking about those kind of stuff. she's kind of coward to be honest. but anyway, eunseo gave me this envelope and said it was on my locker." she stares at the envelope weirdly.

"you know, i quite noticed lately that she's been staying on your locker these days." i said. "really?" jihye replied.

"yeah i don't see her during break time and when the hallways are empty, she's always on your locker." i said. jihye looks at the envelope again, "let's just open this."

time is passing by quickly, isn't it?
i need the book by midnight or else you know the consequence.
- s

i gulped and looked at jihye. "this is risky." i spoke "i know." she replied with a tone of fear.

jihye's pov — seventiiinnn

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