chapter 16

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"are you ready?" i asked and jihye took a gulp and shook her head, "no."

i sighed and patted her back, "either way, we have to do it or else you know... it won't be good." jihye nods and exhaled.

"fine." she replies. while we successfully escaped we finally saw joshua and wonwoo walking towards us.

wonwoo stretched his arms and yawned, "whoever this 's' is, he's messing up with us, i'm suppose to be sleeping."

"me too." joshua replies. i smacked wonwoo's arm as he winced. "we needed someone to protect us." jihye says.

"let's go, we're wasting time." i said as we all escaped our dorm.

when we arrived, wonwoo and joshua hid somewhere while me and jihye went in the "haunted" toilet. both of us took a deep breath and waited for something.

a minute has passed and no one or something was showing up.

"you will regret messing with me."

it was the most softest and the most quiet voice i have heard. i was analyzing where the voice was and jihye was trembling.

i was too focused on finding the voice and i could hear jihye whimpering. suddenly the two boys went in.

"what happened?" joshua hugs jihye tightly, asking concerned. i was still looking up and wonwoo held my arm, pulling me back in my senses.

"eunkyung, are you alright?" he asked softly. i continued to search but the voice was gone. "i-i'm fine." i replied and hugged him.

we walked outside and we sat in the lobby for a few minutes as jihye told wonwoo and joshua what happened.

"did you all see anything?" jihye asks. "well, wonwoo said i might be just seeing things but i saw a figure walking past the toilet."

jihye sighs and leans back. "i don't think i can sleep tonight." she complains, "another stupid task might come soon and i'm not looking forward to it."

"do you have any clue who this is?" wonwoo asks, "maybe she or he's just messing up with both of you. to be honest, we might get caught because of this." wonwoo added.

"whatever it takes for her not to publish that bloody book." jihye says.

"umm, jihye, i might sleep in wonwoo's dorm tonight." i said. jihye gasps dramatically, "you're gonna abandon me? alone? what a great friend." she pouts.

"i-i can stay with you. besides i don't want to be stuck with them." joshua replied.

"don't worry, i'll sleep on eunkyung's bed." he gave jihye a reassuring smile "you better not mess with my bed, hong." i said to joshua and he nods.

i took my phone and looked at the time, "it's running late everyone. let's go to our dorms now. good night, joshua and jihye!" i waved and they waved back.

going upstairs was so silent. "we better leave early tomorrow so we don't get caught." i frowned and looked at him.

"remember, right? that's why girls and boys dorm are separated." i nodded and exhaled. "by the way, can you accompany me to the convenience store tomorrow morning real quick? i need to buy banana milk."

i chuckled and pinched his cheeks, "of course, cutie."

when we arrived at his room, i received a notification and it was from jihye. it was a letter from 's.'

wonwoo saw that i was preoccupied on my phone and walked towards me. "another note from him." he spoke lowly.

"i don't like this at all." i replied.

good job. i should've recorded your reactions. anyway, there is a really old year book on top of the math teacher's desk. find it and leave it in the same cubicle you went before. don't fake the book, i'll be watching.

"eunkyung, this is dangerous." wonwoo says "i know. i wish she would just stop." i sat on the edge of the bed and wonwoo sat beside me, holding my hands.

"don't worry. i'll protect you." i gave him a smile "i promise." he added.

he hugged me and i hugged him back. i let out a deep sigh. the way where this is going is not fun at all, i hope she stops.

jihye's pov — seventiiinnn

hi guys !! so me and seventiiinnn decided to update everyday !! so please look forward to it hehe <33

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