chapter 21

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joshua and jihye left early because they had a "date." wonwoo and i left too and we talked about stuff as we walked down the busy street.

wonwoo took me to a park where everyone was having their picnic as the sun was setting. we sat on a bench while wonwoo grabbed my hand.

"i'm gonna miss you." he says softly. i chuckled, "i'm not leaving yet." i replied. "but for real, i'm gonna miss you." wonwoo pouted.

"you think you're the only one?" wonwoo chuckles and tightens his grip on my hands "don't fall in love with other boys, alright?"

i smacked his arm, "i should be the one telling you that." "not to fall in love with other boys?" "no, dummy! don't fall in love with other girls!"

wonwoo chuckles and pinches my cheeks, "i won't." i smiled at him as i rested my head on his shoulder.

the next day, jihye was really using the time left before i move to daegu for college. jihye invited us to go to an amusement park.

"what's with the treat?" wonwoo asks "i just wanna create memories with you guys. especially with eunkyung. she's leaving tomorrow." jihye sighs.

"it's alright. i won't forget you guys." i laughed. the whole day, we were trying some rides and we were screaming out of joy.

we ate food as well, jihye then later complaining she's getting chubby. while jihye and joshua were on a ride, me and wonwoo were waiting for them.

"park eunkyung, promise me something." wonwoo suddenly speaks. i looked at him, "sure."

"you should not talk to boys." i chuckled "are you still worrying about that?" wonwoo pouts as i tugged on his arm. "don't you trust me?" i asked.

"i do-" "if you do, you'll believe in me." wonwoo sighs and nods. "you're such a baby." i said "me? a baby?" wonwoo asks.

before i could nod, he grabs my cheeks and our lips touch together. i hugged him as i felt a flash beside us. we both pulled away and saw jihye with her camera.

"you both are sweet!" joshua exclaims.

i sighed as i grabbed my luggage and bag, i looked at the three of them who were almost in tears.

jihye ran up to me and hugged me tightly, followed by the two. "i'm gonna miss you. all of us is gonna miss you." wonwoo mumbled.

"i will too. stay safe, okay?" jihye nods and smiles at me "let's keep contact, alright?" she said and i nodded.

i hopped in my car and looked at them for the last time as i waved my hands. the three of them did the same. i started the engine as i drove away.

my heart shuttered in a million pieces knowing i'll be away from them but it's okay. i can see them through the weekends.

the sun was setting and i was getting dizzy for some reason. i felt like i was going to vomit and my visions were getting blurry.

i collected my senses as strong as i could but my body gave up. i looked up to see a very bright light and a loud honk.

i felt so much pain that i never felt before. i can't breathe, i can't think, i can't see. all i could see is black and i was growing weaker.

and now i realized why wonwoo warned me the other day.

"eunkyung, can you not... go?" wonwoo asks. "don't you want your girlfriend to go to college?" joshua asks.

"i mean... what if it's dangerous, you have no relative or friends there." i placed a hand on wonwoo's shoulder and patted him.

"i'll be fine, honestly. i'll take good care of myself, i promise." i said as he exhales and nods "i'm sorry if i'm being too repetitive i just have a bad feeling."

"don't say that!" jihye adds in. i chuckled at him and held his hand. "i promise, i'll be fine." i said.

i'm sorry if i can't keep my promise, wonwoo.

jihye's pov — seventiiinnn

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