chapter 13

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after that day, i can tell jihye was pissed about yesterday and i sighed out loud. there were people whispering and i just looked down.

i'm tired of the same people gossiping and making rumors that aren't even true. i went to my locker and looked at jihye. hyena was there as well.

basically, jihye asked hyena to pass a note to joshua. hyena always wore her smile for her to look friendly but when she turns around, where everyone is not looking, her true colors show.

jihye looked at me and gave me an 'okay' signal and i nodded. we went to our class as i sat down beside jihye.

during lunch, me and jihye were ready. we have planned to look after hyena. we immediately went to the dance room and joshua was there too.

both of us had an airpod in our ears to tell any signals and since i can't talk because i'll he heard, good thing i have a translator or a robotic voice instead.

joshua and jihye were talking and they kissed. i looked away and saw a familiar figure. i gasped and immediately sent a signal to jihye.

"oh... i remember, i have something to submit. let's go!" jihye said and ran away. i stood up and walked outside and walked towards jihye.

hyena is here. she's been proving the both of us that she's the one behind all of this. "had fun spying on us?" jihye asked with a cold tone.

"i- i have no idea what you're talking about." hyena stutters. jihye sighed and dragged her in the dance room.

"jihye, slow down, we might get caught." i said but she just brushed off my word. "listen, i know all about what you did to us, taking pictures of us and uploading it in that stupid account." jihye hissed.

hyena smirks, "so what if i did?" my expression lows as well as jihye's, "i had enough on both of you!" hyena replied.

"what?" jihye asks confusingly.

hyena chuckles and pushed jihye's shoulder. "i don't actually like seungcheol. i like joshua, since elementary school." i gasped.

"you've been using... seungcheol?" i asked as hyena looks at me and smirks.

"of course. seungcheol is friends with joshua and he's the only way i can be friends with joshua. back then, joshua and i were complete strangers but i looked at him as my lover." hyena looked at jihye.

"jihye, you have no idea how much i've waited. i've waited for so long for him to like me and... all i could get back is... he likes you?" hyena asks in disbelief.

"why? what's wrong with me? i'm pretty, rich, talented. i can't think of any reason why joshua would like a girl like you. why was he there for you when your boyfriend cheated on you for eunkyung?" hyena looks back at me.

"who's also a slut." my blood boiled but i just stood there. my hands were gripping tightly on my phone and hyena smirks at me as she looked back at jihye.

"what does joshua hong see in a slut like you?" hyena asks in a softer tone as she crosses her arms, "say that one more time and this fist will be friends with your face." jihye spoke.

hyena leaned in, "no one is scared of you jihye." she says, almost like a whisper "they are just disgusted of you."

jihye rolls her eyes. "whatever you say."

hyena pushed jihye one more time and left the room. i walked towards jihye and she sighed loudly.

"a-are you okay?" i asked her "i'm more than fine, eunkyung. she'll get what she deserved anyway. did you get it?" jihye asked.

i opened my phone and stopped recording. "of course i did." jihye smirked "i'll upload it later." jihye nodded and looked at her watch.

"let's get out of here, we might get caught." jihye said and both of us left the room.

during chemistry class, hyena sat far away from us. "uhh, why is hyena over there?" wonwoo asked. "i don't know, don't mind her." i replied and sneaked my phone.

i went to the account and immediately posted it. everyone's phone started to get a notification, including her. jihye looked at me with a smile and i smiled back.

posted a second ago

well, i think the tables have turned. i wonder who needs the snack now.

- anonymous

i sent the video and everyone was watching it. people were whispering about hyena and she was shocked. she looked back at us with a glare and jihye just raised her brows at her.

"have you seen the new post?" wonwoo asks and i looked at him, "of course i did." i smiled at him.

jihye's pov — seventiiinnn


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