chapter 08

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he was still staring at me. i felt someone was watching so i turned my head around and saw his girlfriend, jihye.

i immediately pushed wonwoo away and he gave me a confused look. he looked at where i was looking and his eyes bulged.

jihye was there, standing, watching us in sorrow.

both me and wonwoo stood up and walked towards jihye. she was ready to cry but before wonwoo could come closer, she walked away.

i sat down, speechless.

i should've not done this. what was i thinking? i should stop my feelings about wonwoo. now that my eyes are open, it's really impossible for wonwoo to like me back.

wonwoo has a girlfriend. i looked at wonwoo and he looked at me. the look he gave me was an apology and i nodded. he ran away to chase after jihye.

i looked down. i'm so ashamed of myself. i feel like i'm a whore. i'm a stealer and it made wonwoo look like a cheater.

everything is my fault. i should've not done this in the first place.

after a few minutes, wonwoo was back. "so what happened?" wonwoo sighed and sat down, helping me clean.

"i still need to talk to her. but... she's not calm yet, i'll talk to her later." his voice hinted stress. we both didn't share a word and it made it feel awkward.

"i-i'm sorry-" "don't be. i should be the one saying that. i didn't mean to do that... i don't know why i did that." i looked down.

"can you accompany me later to her house? i... i haven't went to her house before and maybe you could... accompany me." wonwoo pleaded.

"umm... yeah sure but i'm not showing up with you. she might misunderstand it even more."
he nodded. "thank you so much. you're such a great friend." i gave a thin smile and nodded.


"he did what?!" hyena almost shouted "shut it, you're so loud." i said as i sipped my coffee.

hyena treated me in a café where seungcheol works. i guess they're somehow a thing now since they keep seeing each other often.

"but yeah, he did that and now jihye is mad jealous." hyena leaned forward "dump that! wonwoo and you-"

"hyena, they're both in a relationship. i don't want it to look like that i'm thirsty for wonwoo. i probably should avoid wonwoo after this. i feel so bad for jihye, she's my friend too." i replied.

"but does she treat you like a friend?" hyena asked "i don't care if she doesn't treat me like a friend anymore. all i know is that i need to apologize to her."

hyena clicked her tongue, "wonwoo should've not answered jihye in the first place." i smacked her arm, "that's mean."

"look, why would he do that in the first place?" i was about to talk back but the question rang in my head.

why did he do that?

"see, you're speechless." i frowned, "shut up."


hyena left early and i stayed in the café. i texted wonwoo to pick me up so i can accompany him to jihye.

the café door opened and wonwoo was there. i stood up and got my things. "did i keep you waiting?" wonwoo asked and i shook my head.

i got in his car and he drove quietly. i looked outside the window to make it less awkward. he cleared his throat, "do you wanna uhh... listen to some music?"

i looked at him and nodded. he played some relaxing music. i wanted to talk to him but i can't.

i need to start avoiding him and to remove my feelings for him.

when we arrived, he parked his car near jihye's house. wonwoo looked at me, "don't worry, after this, i'll take you home... it's already dark outside and i don't want any harm."

i was about to say something when he cut me off, "don't protest." i gave in and nodded. there was a car parked in front of us. "this must be jihye."

the car door opened and it wasn't only jihye.

jihye was with joshua. i looked at wonwoo and he was so confused. his eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were following both of them.

wonwoo left the car and i saw jihye and joshua from this view. as wonwoo was getting closer, i got shocked with what joshua did.

he pecked jihye in the lips.

wonwoo was standing there and watching them.

i hid my face so that they can't recognize me.

it got me thinking, jihye was cheating on wonwoo the whole time?

no wonder why she's always spending her time with joshua instead of wonwoo.



jihye's pov — seventiiinnn

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