chapter 10

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i heard a thud behind me and i looked back, it was wonwoo, greeting me and hyena with his signature smile.

"good morning, do you guys mind if i sit here?" wonwoo asked. we both shook our head and hyena leaned closer to wonwoo.

but before hyena could speak, "by the way, why did you suddenly show up when-" "oh, that... um... me and jihye are actually neighbors and i heard some arguing and yeah.. i happen to pass by."

wonwoo and i looked at each other confusingly. "so.. why did you and jihye break up?" she tried changing the topic.

"oh, i wanted to keep it private." hyena and i nodded. "oh wait, i forgot my notebook in my locker." hyena left immediately.

i looked away at wonwoo and he held my hand. "are you avoiding me?" wonwoo asks in a low voice. before i could reply, a hand landed on my table and i jolted in surprise.

"oh, so you were the one that posted the tweet. are you that desperate for a boyfriend?" jihye asked "jihye, that's not-"

"let me tell you this," jihye leaned closer "whatever that is not yours, don't try to snatch." jihye said coldly.

"jihye, i-i really didn't post that tweet. i know who did it, it wasn't me." i spoke. jihye raised a brow at me and chuckled.

"eunkyung, everyone knows that you like wonwoo. so if it wasn't you, then who was it?" i wasn't able to response. she just said that i liked wonwoo in front of him.

she went back to her seat and everyone was whispering. "i-i'm sorry, eunkyung. i should've done something." wonwoo patted my back.

i chuckled, "it's fine." hyena came back and she looked at everyone. "what happened?" hyena asked. i shook my head and tried to avoid hyena.

i stood up and ran away. i went to the girl's bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

all of this isn't my fault. i wasn't the one doing all of this. this is hyena's.

i need to confront jihye. whether she'll listen to me or not, i need to tell her that behind all of this is hyena.


"why did you run away?" hyena asked "nothing i was just... stressed." "about jihye?" she asked. i looked at her and nodded.

i looked up and saw wonwoo. "hi eunkyung. i was just wondering if... maybe we could hang out after school? my treat." he smiles.

eunkyung, pull yourself up.

he's for jihye and not yours.

your role is to make things right again. and live a normal life again.

"i-i'm sorry, wonwoo... i have some things to do after school." wonwoo nods, "no it's okay... you seem down and maybe i could cheer you up by asking you out." he chuckles.

"maybe next time?" i nodded "just tell me. i'm always free." he smiled and left. i let out a big sigh.

"i see, wonwoo is trying to hit you up, huh." hyena wiggled her eyebrows playfully. "hyena, no. i don't want to look like i'm a slut so i'm here trying to avoid wonwoo, okay?"

hyena locks her lips and nodded, "i'm sorry."

after lunch, i went upstairs to my locker and i saw jihye and joshua hanging out. i honestly don't understand.

joshua left and i walked towards jihye to talk to her btbsue immediately left. i closed my locker and waked to my next class.


after class, i hid in a corner and i was waiting for jihye. she usually uses this way when she goes home.

i peeked, she was there, scrolling through her phone. i grabbed her and she frowned, her expression dropped and rolled her eyes at me.

"what do you want?" she asks sternly. "jihye, you have to hear me out and please believe me." jihye stays still.

"go on." she says "you have to believe me, i know who posted it. and i was shocked too that our friend would do that."

jihye was taken back. her expression lightens, "who is it?" she asks.


jihye's pov — seventiiinnn

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