chapter 19

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the next day, me, wonwoo, jihye and joshua were out for a walk and we told the two about what we saw earlier.

we were chilling in a cafe and the two of them were shocked as we were. "wait, you're telling me that eunseo is behind all of this?" wonwoo asks. "it's really shocking because she's so quiet." joshua adds.

"i know." jihye replies "i hope she knows that we know already." i said "we'll confront her about it of course." the doors chimed and i took a look and it was eunseo.

she was shocked to see the four of us. the three turned their heads to look at where i was looking. eunseo licked her lips and gave us her innocent smile and bowed her head, walking away to find a seat.

jihye groans, "everytime i see her my blood boils." she rolls her eyes. joshua pulls jihye's arm and caresses her back.

after a few hours of catching up with wonwoo and joshua, they had to leave early because they volunteered for a campaign stuff for school.

"so... what are we going to do now?" i asked jihye. she looks at eunseo who was still sitting there alone with coffee in her hands and a phone.

"we need to tell her." jihye spoke "are you sure about this?" i asked "oh of course i am. i want to let her know that we're ending this game."

jihye stood up and i followed her. eunseo looked up at us with a smile. jihye sighs and puts a smile on her face.

"hi eunseo! do you mind if we talk to you? it's really important." jihye asks nicely. her smile drops and gulps but she nods, "y-yeah. what's up?"

we sat across her and i looked at jihye. "don't worry, i won't burst up on her." she gives me a reassuring smile. she turns her head to face eunseo.

"eunseo... quit playing." jihye said. "playing what?" she asks confusingly. "don't act like a victim. it doesn't go well on you." jihye raises a brow.

"jihye, i honestly don't know-" "i said quit it!" she yells "you think doing all of this is fun? what did we ever do to you? we barely met!" jihye bursts.

eunseo gulps and exhales. "fine, jihye, eunkyung. you want the truth?" jihye sits back down.

"we were all classmates before in elementary. everyone loved the both of you, my friends wanted to be friends with the both of you and they did. leaving me all alone and i can't believe that you still have that "picture perfect" thing." eunseo replies.

"wait," i gasped as i covered my mouth "so you're-" "that's right, eunkyung. i'm hyejin, hyena's cousin." she replies.

"i changed my name so that i can take revenge on both of you for hyena." she says "hyena did nothing right! both of you are so jealous of us. it isn't our fault that we're so strong in this friendship."

eunseo clicks her tongue. jihye chuckles, "the game is over. everyone will know how evil you are. you're just like hyena." we were about to leave but eunseo grabbed my wrist, making jihye stop.

"go on. tell everyone. remember, i still have the book." eunseo chuckles. "you're wrong." a voice was suddenly heard. we looked back and it was seungkwan.

"you're always having fun on the freedom wall, are you?" eunseo gives a frown, "leave us alone." she growls.

"sure. i'll just go away and post all your anonymous texts and everyone will know it's you sending all this." eunseo's face dropped.

"you're the one running the account?" i asked and seungkwan chuckles, "of course. i always knew who was behind all this drama and i'm here to stop it." seungkwan spoke.

"are you gonna leave the girls or not?" seungkwan showed her his phone full of screenshots of what she said but not covering her name.

eunseo lets go of my wrist. "and you're wrong. you don't have the book," he gets something from his bag and shows the book that jihye owns.

"i have it." eunseo gulps and grabs her bag and walks away. "hyejin," jihye calls as she looked at us. "aren't you even sorry?" jihye asks.

she locks her lips and bows her head, "fine. you guys won this time. i... i'm sorry." she then walks away.

seungkwan hands us the book and we smiled at him. "thank you so much." jihye says. "you're welcome. now you gotta keep that or else i'm not doing this anymore."

both of us chuckled and we walked away. we saw wonwoo and joshua walking towards us and we hugged them.

"what's up?" wonwoo asks "she's gone." i replied and he hugged me tighter.

jihye's pov — seventiiinnn

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