Chapter 8.

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My first month at the outreach center goes by so quick and I even end up starting to get a few regular clients, along with doing home visits andworking with the new foster families. I have thoroughly thrown myself into my work, which I know has Carrie worried but I need to do this because when I stop, I find myself sitting at my table, staring at the wall. I didn't plan for a social life, I don't know what I expected when I came home, but I am starting to think I should take up a hobby.

I won't lie to myself, I am no longer angry at Ryker. I even finally replied to his text message from my first day and we have talked a little bit via text messages but that is the extent of our interactions as I don't want to go further then that. I actually don't know why, you would think that I would be able to analyse myself, work on a solution and move forward but I just want to keep myself grounded at the moment.

I'm heading into Ariel's office when I see her standing in the doorway, holding a large bouquet of flowers. As I look, they are not your typical Service Station flowers that some guys buy as that last minute 'shit, I need to buy flowers', they are quire large.

"OMG, where did those come from" I ask her.

"Sargent Cheung, he is the copper from the Vicky Point station that I sometimes deal with. I have no idea why he sent me flowers. It's not my birthday." Ariel replies.

I search for the card and it says - Have a happy day, David Cheung. Ah, how sweet. I study the bouquet and it is a lovely setting.  A mixture of local flora. Mandy our Admin rushes back in with a vase and Ariel pops the bouquet into it.

"Mandy, did you want me to put it on this table?" Ariel says

"Wouldn't you prefer it in your office?" Mandy replies with a smirk.

"No, then no one else can see it. Something this lovely should be on display for everyone. I'll put it onto the middle table where we all pass." Ariel says as she picks up the vase and puts it onto the middle table in the centre of the lobby.

"She has no clue does she?" Mandy whispers to me.

"Nope, none at all. What is this guy like?" I reply

"A total dream boat. Like Vin Deisel but with hair." Mandy replies. I snort laugh but try to hide it when Ariel turns around. Mandy is right, Ariel will have no clue that this fella is trying to 'court' her and I feel bad for the fella as no matter how many 'suttle hints' he tries to do, she will never understand. My phone buzzes in my pocket.

New Message

Xavier - Party at the Clubhouse 9pm.

I hear Ariel groan and I look up and see that she too must had gotten the message.

"Come on Ariel, it's Friday night and it has been a while since we had been to a good old fashion club shindig?" I say to try and get her on board.

Ariel looks at me and then looks at her phone. "Carrie says she is in and that she will drag me by the hair there if I don't show up." she sighs "I guess this means I am going as I really like my hair and I know that she is very strong."

I just laugh and head back to my office to grab my gear and switch my computer off.


I check my watch and I still have 10 minutes before Ariel arrives to pick me up. Ariel always picks to be the designated driver because once when we were 16, we both got terribly drunk and she didn't stop throwing up for 2 days which then caused her to swear off alcohol after that. I kept telling her that it must had been something else but I do know that on special occasions she will have a champagne or 2 but that is her limit.

I finish up my makeup and let my hair down. I've not put in as much effort as I would usually do, but I've made myself look 'nice'. It was good to get back into some of my old clothes that have been stored away for a while. I was actually quite surprised that Kitty hadn't given most of my clothes away.

Ariel messages to say that she is coming up my road, so I grab my phone and purse and make my way out the door to her car.

"Well hello Mia Salvatore, so glad to see your back." Ariel giggles as she takes in my outfit. Before everything in Sydney, my basic outfits were tight either leather or denim pants and tank tops. But when I was in Sydney, those outfits didn't cut it down there, so I had to change my style to suit my surroundings. Kitty used to say that you should never have to change who you are, but I just didn't feel 'accepted' in what I would normally wear. I think that was a part of why I was so glad to get back here.

We pull up out the frount of the clubhouse and Ariel gives her keys to one of the prospects. Apparently there is going to be a lot of people here and they are parking all the 'VIPs' out the back.  We head up the steps and see Xavier at the door, talking with a copper.

"Thank you for your time Sgt Cheung, I'll look into those times and let you know." Xavier says as we approach them.

As I get closer, the copper turns around and looks us both up and down. Dam, this guy is quite the hottie I start to think as I size him up. He is looking straight at Ariel and it is then that I realise who he might be.

"Ariel, wow, I didn't know that you knew the Wanderers?" Sgt Cheung says to her.

"Of course, I grew up in this town." Ariel replies. Xavier is giving him a stern look and I wonder what is going on.

"Well I better be off, on duty and all. I'll talk to you later Ariel." Sgt Cheung says to her as he spins on his heel and heads down the stairs.

We go to walk past and Xavier puts out his hand and blocks Ariel from going in.

"How do you know him." he says to her.

"He is my contact at the Vicky Point Station." Ariel replies.

"There is something off with him, I can't place it but be careful Ariel. He just seems to keep poking around here." Xavier says.

"Xavier, I would never cause you any trouble?" Ariel looks at him worriedly when she says that. Xavier changes his facial features straight way and lightly grabs onto her shoulder, rubbing her collar bone with his thumb.

"I'm not worried about you doing anything wrong Ariel, I know you have saved our arses more times then I can count.  I am worried about you, and him doing something to you. I just have a bad feeling about him." he says in a calm, reassuring voice.

Ariel gives him a quick smile as he then grabs both out hands and drags us in the door of the club house.

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