Chapter 28

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I make my way to the kitchen after Ariel falls asleep so that I can drop off the dishes from her room and see if I can find Ryker.

He didn't say much about what had happened and I still had some unanswered questions with my main one being, did they catch David?

I enter and see Bernice washing her hands in the sink and staring out the window. I place the dishes to the side and lean back, awaiting for her to finish.

"I can do them love." Bernice says. She was still looking out the window as if she was lost in thought.

"It's OK, I need something to distract myself from my thoughts at the moment." I replied and Bernice turned and looked at me.

"I know the feeling dear, you just have to keep reminding yourself how much you love them." She said as she moved away and grabbed a tea towel.

I started to fill the sink and as I looked out the window, I realised that it looked not only at the veggie garden but at a large shed that I had not really paid much attention to in the past.

The door to the shed opened and out came Blaze, Xavier and Ryker. Blaze looks pissed and Ryker is trying to calm him down. Xavier is on his phone and the more I watch his face, the more I wonder 'what has gone wrong'?.

I stop what I am doing and can see that Bernice seems to have the same idea as we both make our way to the door and head out to the boys.

Xavier is the first to look up and notice us approaching as he swings his arm back to whack Ryker on the back to get his attention.

Ryker leaves Blaze and heads over to us. He looks stressed and runs his hand through his hair like he is trying to think about his words.

"Is he in there?" Was all that Bernice said as we stopped in frount of Ryker.

"Yes, but there is an issue." He sighed as he turns towards Xavier as if he is waiting for him to give him permission to go on.

"David is dead." Is all Xavier says as he walks past them, dialing another number on his mobile while Blaze starts to beat up an old washing machine that was leaning up next to the shed.

Ryker sighs and goes back over to where Blaze is to try and get him to stop busting up the machine. He grabs his shoulder and is nearly thrown down as Blaze swings around.

I can see the anger in his face, his eyes are as fiery as his hair. Bernice approaches him and asks him to please calm down. Blaze stops and lowers his head, looking ashamed for what he has done.

She puts her arm around his shoulder and steers him back to the kitchen.

I watch this all unfold as Ryker comes back and wrapped me in his arms. He tucks his head in the crook of my neck and takes in a breath.

"He hung himself." Was all he said and I felt myself shudder as I took in what he had said. 'How', was the only thought that I could summon but I waited as I wanted Ryker to talk rather than me pester him.

He seemed to just want to hold me while he collected all his thoughts and he held me and raised his head to place his forehead upon mine.

"He got his hands some of the tie down rope that must had been in the back of the shed. Hell, I can't think of why or how but that is the only conclusion that I can come too." Ryker whispered.

I look around and notice that there is no one near us but I can tell that Ryker is trying to keep his voice low in case someone is listening in.

"So, what happens now?' I ask.

"Xavier is trying to work that out with Cole." He replies.

I look back at the shed and my mind wonders if I need to go and look for myself. I believe Ryker but I still feel that I need to see this for myself. He must sense my thought as he turns us around and pulls me away from the shed.

"Leave it to Xavier." He says as we walk back into the compound.

We head to Xaviers office and see that he is behind his desk with is head in his hands. He hears us and looks up at Ryker.

"Can you go and see Cole. He needs your help," is all he says to Ryker, who nods and heads out of the office.

I go to follow him but Xavier calls me back. Ryker nods towards Xavier and kisses me on the cheek as he goes to find Cole.

"Mia, I need you to come with me to explain this to Ariel." Xavier gets up but I stop him.

"I don't know how she will react to this and I just want you to realise that." I say as I think about the fact that this could be new territory for her.

"That's why I want you to come with me. Did Ryker tell you what we found?" He says.

"That he hung himself on a rope that was lying in the shed." I reply.

Xavier nods and goes to walkout of the office when I say "What is in that shed?"

He stops and moves back away from the door, biding his time on what he is going to say next.

"It was added a few years ago as a holding area. You know what this club does Mia and sometimes we need an area where we can hold something or someone for a short period of time." Was all Xavier was prepared to share with me as he turned and continued outside the office.

I thought about his words and how I felt about that. I am not innocent in the fact that the club has some not so savoury ways in how they make their money but I never came to the realisation that they would ever need an areas like that. It makes what they do seem more dirty and I shudder at the thought of what we have all become.

I take in a breath and pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind as I needed to follow Xavier out so that we can go and speak with Ariel.

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