Chapter 14

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We pull into the compound and park near all the other bikes. I can see that Xavier and Knuckles are already inside with Cole & Blaze.

I remembered that I had not seen Cole when I came home and I kept meaning to ask where he was as usually if you saw Xavier you knew that Cole was close by. As I enter the bar, Coles sister Stella is with the group, typing away on her laptop.

I have not seen Stella in ages either. She was going to University in Melbourne but transferred back to Brisbane when their mother got sick. Cole wanted her to be close, he can be a little controlling but he is all about family and when he became VP, he found it hard to look after their mother along with keep tabs on Stella and do his job for the Club. Stella had cracked up about it at the start but when she saw how broken it was making her brother, she left to come home.

"Mia, OMG I am so glad that you are back." Stella jumps up as I enter the club. I swoop in to give her a hug but I forgot to take my helmet off and I clunk her in the head. We both start giggling as Ryker comes up behind me to unclip it and take if off my head.

"Cole, where have you been? I have not seen you since I got back?" I say as I go and give him a hug.

"Sorry bug, we had some family stuff to deal with and only got back to town today. I hear you have had some excitement?" Cole says this while he tries to do a quick inspection of me.

"I'm OK Cole, not a scratch." I say as I pry myself away from him. Cole has always been a bit of a protector of all of us girls. I guess it all comes with having an MC as your family, everyone is like your big brother or sister.

"OK Mia, now Knuckles has told me about what happened and how the guy said that he 'recognised you'?" Xavier says as he looks at Knuckles for confirmation.

"I didn't say recognised her, more questioned that she was Roo's kid." Knuckles responded.

"I am as lost as you guys probably are. I've never seen that guy or the Ute and why would anyone say that, heck Roo is the most placid member of the MC." I respond.

My mind has been thinking about that interaction, like what does my Uncle have to do with this. I can't even ask him cause him and Kitty are on a cruise at the moment. They have been emailing but it is only off and on, they get back in a week.

Xavier looks at me like he is mulling over a decision and he is weighing up what to tell me. As he goes to speak, the bar doors fly open with Carrie and Ariel bursting into the clubhouse.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD MIA! Why did you not ring me?" Carrie says as she storms over to me and wraps me in her arms.

"Imok" I mumble as she has my face crushed into her chest. Ariel has come over and has a stream of tears down her face. Blaze and Slater come in behind them, Slater silently apologise as he tries to pry Carrie off of me.

As I look up at them both I see a relieved smile on Ariels face as she slumps back - into Blaze. My eyes must give away my shock. She is willingly letting Blaze tough her. Blazes face relaxes like he is glad that she is finally relaxing.

"What, what's wrong?" Ariel says as she springs away from Blaze.
"Nothing, I'm just thinking about all that happened." I lie.

"Ok, I think I'm light of today Mia, I'm putting you and Knuckles on lockdown here at the compound." Xavier says as he seems to prepare himself for me to respond.

"ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING!" Both Knuckles and I say. "I have work to do." I add.

"Grae said that you can take a few weeks off." Ariel said, not missing a beat.
"I already spoke to him after Blaze rang me. I predicted that Xavier would have a plan and knew you would use work as an excuse."

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