• Introduction

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No, this isn't the request page. This is just an introduction to my story. There's another chapter that has the request page, go ahead and write there but, for now, I'll be explaining some rules.

Complain whatever and whenever you want. I may not answer it immediately but I will try to solve the problem ASAP. [As soon as possible]

Only suggest/request when I told you to, but if you are mistaken... I'll accept the little request you have for me.

Feel free to do anything. We're all weird and if you made a mistake, it's fine... we're all human...

I'll be making "parts" if the story is too long...

Types of modes: [Stories]

Granny mode: 2 or more chapters [parts]

Sunset mode: 1,000+ words

Nether mode: 900- words

Ghost mode: Swear words/ cussing without tags...

Single-mode: S**t post

Musical mode: Lyrics [Suggested to read when online]

PS. DW means Detective Weeb aka me...

DATE: February 21, 2020
Words: 154 [165]

Edit: March 9, 2020 [Moon]

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