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Hayato Kamitani x Reader
Mode: Smut/Lemon!! Sunset 
Written by: DW
Start Date: May 19, 2020 [Tune]
Words: 1,930
Requested By/ Dedicated to thisisnotaegyo
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DW: Lemon warning.

Ryuuichi: So unprovoking, try harder.

DW: You don't have work, Ryu! You should be thankful, you took Ryouhei and Hiroto away from me, baka.

Ryuuichi: Then write a book about 'em.

DW: That just means more work.

Hayato: I'm back. *Enters studio* Woah... Why do you look like that?

DW: I'm tired, got it?

Hayato: Yessir.

DW: Now, can you get in?

Hayato: Whatever.

DW: *Kicks into the auditorium and looks at camera* this story was requested by thisisnotaegyo. Hope she likes it.

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[Suggested Chapter: Hotter than Usual...]

Today was a hot summer day, [Y/n], Hayato, and Taka went out for a swim on the beach. Since [Y/n] was very close to the Kamitani's, she was aloud by her own mom and Mrs. Kamitani. "Isn't this exciting?!" She asked aloud, happy to see the beach. "Easy for you to say, you don't have a little brother to look after."

"Hehe," you giggle, "hope he doesn't drown." You cheekily slipped away as Hayato and Taka go and change into their swimsuits as you set up the area where you were gonna stay at. As you were placing the umbrella, the towel, and set up a bunch of other things, you see Taka and Hayato looking for you.

You gradually waved your hand at them and they quickly found you. "You can change into your outfit now." Hayato and Taka approach you as you swiftly nodded, getting up and heading somewhere to hide at. You quickly dressed up, checking yourself trice now that so no perverts will think... of something pervert-ish about you as you and your two-piece were ready to head to the boys.

"Hey, guys!" You waved, Taka noticed you first and happily hugged you as you brought him up to your eye level, making Hayato turn his head. Now, keep in mind that Hayato hasn't seen you in a two-piece or... in your swimsuit yet so...

The boy turns away, making you curious. "What's up?" You curiously asked as he doesn't answer. Taka wanted to go down so you made him and he checked his brother's face. He started laughing, pointing at Hayato's face which you still haven't seen. "Onii-chan's blushing!" He yells as he just slaps him from behind. "Shut up!"

You giggle to yourself as you pick Taka up. "A little curious, huh? Well, maybe soon or later you'll get lucky." You smile at Hayato, winking as you and Taka head to the ocean where the water was pretty colder than the warm sand that was currently beneath your feet.

Soon, the fun was quickly over as you were forced to leave the beach. "Can't we just watch the  sunset together, Hayato?" You whined as he huffs, "no!" You pout, looking away as you and Taka excepted your fate and ate dinner at their house. "I think it's a bit too late for you to go back home, sweety." Mrs. Kamitani says, making you turn. "Maybe you're right. Should I stay?"

"Yes, yes, no problem. I'll go tell your mother." The woman stands up as she heads to the living room to grab the telephone. "What the heck?!" Hayato yelled, asking you loudly. You go turn to him. "What?" You asked innocently as nothing had happened.

"Why did you do that, [N/n]?!" You turn away, crossing your arms. "I don't know, it's probably because... I'm not scared of the dark?!" You yelled, looking at him. He lets out a chuckle. "You're scared of the dark?" You furrowed your eyebrows, giving a look as you arched a brow.

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