×𝙔𝙖𝙜𝙞 𝙏𝙤𝙢𝙤𝙮𝙖× /2/

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Yagi Tomoya x Reader
Mode: Granny: 2, Nether
Written by: DW
Start Date: April 28, 2020 [Tune]
Words: 887
Dedicated to: Absolutely no one!
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DW: *Stunned* His first name is Tomoya.

Tomoya: Ar-are you okay, DW?

DW: Why did you lie?!

Tomoya: I didn't and what do you mean?

DW: *Starts crying and sits on the bed in fetal position*

Ryouhei: Aw you made DW cry, you horrible monster! *Kicks Tomoya out of the room and into the auditorium, slams the door shut and walks by DW.* He's gone now.

DW: *Doesn't answer*

Ryouhei: DW?

DW: *Ignores*

Ryouhei: DWWW!!! *Hits the back of head* You better get up or I'm gonna have to hit you again!

DW: *Sniffs and walks to the writing-table, looks at the camera with a disgusting look on face* Hey readers *sniff* good night! *falls down the chair*

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[Unsuggested Chapter: Dreams and Wishes... 2]

"It's out of this world." 

The boy whispered into my ear, making chills run down my spine. "What do you mean, Tomoya?" I asked, whispering to Tomoya...

[ Recap ]

He then sat beside me, holding me by the waist as he brings me closer to him, I lightly blush as this isn't something he was to do. He cupped my cheeks, making me look around for any of his fangirls were watching. After all, he was very popular and I don't want to get caught. The girls are savages when they realize he's with me... An intelligent nobody. 

Yagi went closer to my ear, whispering some words that were muffled due to the wind still gushing by...

My eyes widened...

[ End of Recap ]

"Remember that thing you saw on camping?"I nodded as he sits back a little. "Well, that's it. I saw that people have been going crazy about the thing on television and I felt that I should confront you about it." 

He smiled making me look away. "Good," I whispered, making him turn. "Say what?" I looked at him, saying, "I said, 'good'." He furrowed his eyebrows. "Why would you be happy about that? People are literally called crazy because of that thing you saw that night. What could've happened if you went crazy as well?"

I was silent, looking down. I hear a sigh escape Tomoya's lips, making me turn. "They say it was an unearthly figure that had the ability to make people go crazy when looked at their empty sockets. Look," he said, looking into my [e/c] eyes, probably lost in them.

"I don't want a friend of mine to get hurt. Especially you, [Y/n]. You're special to me and I can't seem to shake off the thought of losing you." He looks upon the clouds, feeling the lovely breeze that passed by, he smiles for a bit but frowns again.

The ordinary school bell rings, signaling us that we should get to class already. Tomoya stands up and stretches. He turns to me with a close-eyed smile. "Tell me when you finally get to your senses, [L/n] [Y/n]." 

I saw him walk down the path as I feel eyes on me. Though, I have no idea who was staring at me or... what. 

I got to class on time as I see some students chatting. I sit on my seat and think about some things that Tomoya said a while ago. "Is it true?" I mumbled as I see the teacher enter the room...

[ Dismissal ]

After class, I still kept on thinking about what Tomoya-Kun told me. "Tell me when you get to your senses, [L/n] [Y/n]." 

"I don't want a friend of mine to get hurt. Especially you, [Y/n]. You're special to me and I can't seem to shake off the feeling of losing you."

"They say it was an unearthly figure,"

"It's out of this world."

"that had the ability to make people go crazy when looked at their empty sockets."

"Especially you, [Y/n]." 

"Agh!" I yelled as I fell down the floor. "Oh sorry," I hear a familiar voice. "I'm just a little..." The boy cuts off when he looked at me. "[Y/n]?" It was Tomoya. "Let me help you up, [Y/n]." I gladly took his hand as he lifted me up.

"Are you okay?" I slowly nod as Tomoya dusted off the dirt on my skirt. "I'm sorry, [Y/n]. I honestly was just thinking too much. Do I have my answer?" I looked up to his dark gray eyes seriously. His eyes shot open, blushing a bit. 

"Yes, I do, Tomoya." He quickly hid his mouth with his hand, trying to hide the mini nosebleed he just had. "I want to kill that thing."

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Ryouhei: Yay, another cliffhanger!

Hiroto: What's so hype about cliffhangers?

DW: The readers won't know what's coming up, that's what.

Tomoya: DW, I'm tired!

DW: Well, I'm sorry I don't mean to kill your spirit.

Ryouhei: He was so happy when he first got here.

DW: Yeah--. 

Tomoya: *leans on DW* 

DW: Dude, if you're tired sit on the bed. That's why I put it there.

Ryouhei: Outro.

DW: Right. *Turns to the camera with a creepy smile* Girls and women, good day. I have no idea what to say. ;^;

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End date: May 2, 2020 [SAT]

Chapter 10, Unsuggested Chapter

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