×𝙍𝙮𝙪𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞 𝙆𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙢𝙖×

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Ryuuichi Kashima x Sporty!Reader
MODE: Sunset [Probably Granny]
START DATE: February 22, 2020
WORDS: 2,209 
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DW: Ah~~ The first stories are always the best.

Ryuuichi: Agreed.

DW: Bu-but you never experienced it in my book yet...

Ryuuichi: Yeah but it doesn't mean it's any different from the other books I'm in.

DW: Oh really~?

Ryuuichi: No doubt.

DW: Boys,

Ryouhei and Hiroto: *Comes out the Inazuma portal that came out of nowhere and carries Ryuuichi*

Ryuuichi: Where are they taking me?!

DW: Just put him in front of the door, boys.

Ryouhei and Hiroto: *Places Ryuuichi in front of said door*

DW: *Stands up, walks behind Ryuuichi*

Ryuuichi: What are you doing?

DW: This... *Kicks Ryuuichi into the auditorium and closes door* Hope you like it, readers!
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[Unuggested Chapter: Something that meets the eye...]

Ryuuichi Kashima and I had been friends for years. We met in the first grade and continued to be friends ever since that day. Sometimes, Ryuuichi still asks me how did we meet. After all, we were both opposites.

You see, I was with Hayato Kamitani in the baseball team which I enjoyed. While Ryuuichi liked other things like... babysitting.

Whenever I ask him if we could play outside, he'd always give me this look which had a meaning: no. I'd always groan and watch him play with his little brother, Kotaro.

But, that isn't a problem at all, cause he also watches my games with the team and gets bored pretty easily. I mean, I can't blame him. Why? Cause I experienced being benched before. All because I was a girl! Man, sexist these days...


The sound of the bell rang through my ears as I stood up and got my bag that was hanging on the side of the chair. I sighed as Ryuuichi stood up as well, putting all his stuff. And just like that, the three of us went to the daycare where all the toddlers were with Usaida Yoshihito...

"Hey, guys!" I and Ryuuichi greeted as all of the little toddlers hugged us, apparently Hayato was just too scary for the kids. Thus, he ignored them and they ignored him.

I rubbed Kotaro's hair as he falls on his butt. Oops... "Sorry, Kotaro. I didn't mean to push you like that."

Soon, when everyone has left and the door was shut by Ryuuichi, he looked at my and Kotaro's figure which was reading a book, I sat on the floor and Kotaro sat on my lap. I continuously read the book to Kotaro as he asked me some questions of what the word meant.

When we were about to finish the book, Ryuuichi sat beside me and held my opposite shoulder. I accidentally stopped reading when a sudden blush appeared on my face. Wha-what am I feeling right now?

"Hey! Continue reading, Kotaro wants to hear the ending." The silly monkey said to me as I looked at him. "It doesn't take a genius to know what Kotaro wants, Ryuuichi. Besides, I was just--."


"Yeah right, in your dreams. Come on Kotaro, let's go home without Ni-san." Kotaro shook his head and hugs his brother. A sudden shock crept into my face as the monkey smirks at me. "Yeah right, let's go Kotaro."

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