×𝙍𝙮𝙪𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞 𝙆𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙢𝙖× /2/

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Ryuuichi Kashima x Dead! Reader

Mode: Granny: Part 2, Nether
Written by: DW
Start date: March 1, 2020 [Sun]
Words: 678 [673]
Dedicated to: NONE
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Hiroto: I'm starting to miss DW. It was always Funner whenever she was here.

Hayato: Agreed. I wish she'd come back already, where is she anyway?

Ryuuichi: Guys, can't we just write my story, already?

Hayato: Easy for you to say, Ryuuichi. I've got only one story.

Hiroto: Easy for you to say, Hayato. I've been suffering here, not knowing to do cause I'm not being written about.

Ryouhei: You guys are crazy, who even is this DW you're talking about almost 24/7? Can't we just have a normal day without talking about her? You guys seem to be obsessed with her.

Hiroto: What if you were missing, Ryouhei? All of us would miss you, too. Don't you know how missing someone works? I miss her.

Ryouhei: Well, I wouldn't care if DW cared, I don't seem to know her.

Ryuuichi: The readers are waiting, we need to write this story.

Hayato: *Sad* Right.

Ryuuichi: *Looks at sad Hayato* Alright Hayato, if you help us bring DW back, we could make your story out of love.

Hayato: *Smiles* Alright! *Kicks Ryuuichi in auditorium*
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[Unsuggested chapter: A human: Ghosts...]

"Uhm... hello there," a voice from behind was heard as I ignored it, thinking that it wasn't me. "What's your name?" I stayed silent, still crouching as I stared at the beautiful flowers that were planted on bushes. "Uhm...Ms, can't you hear me?" I turned my head to find the bathroom boy looking directly at me.

"Uh... hello to you too," I stood up, confused. "My name's L/n Y/n, I'm guessing you've never seen me before." Bathroom boy nodded as he introduced himself with a hand wide open for me to shake. I stood there, not wanting to shake his hands as he continued.

"Kashima Ryuuichi, I'm just in my first year. I'm sorry to have mistaken the girls' and the boys' bathroom. I got lost on the way." I shrugged at his statement, saying. "I got lost on my first day too. Don't worry, though. You'll get used to it."

I realized that his hand was still out for me to shake. "Don't leave me hangin'." He said with a genuine smile, I wanted to shake his hand but I knew I couldn't so I walked away instead. "Where are you going?"

"Somewhere," I whispered as he caught up, reaching out for my shoulder but then...
His hand went right through it. His eyes widen in shock as sweat went down his face, not knowing what happened. He looked up to my wide, e/c-colored eyes. "What are you?"

I knitted my eyebrows and sighed in disappointment. I opened my eyes again to look back at his, smiling.

"I'm a ghost."

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Ryouhei: Do you guys hear that?

Hayato: Near what?

Ryouhei: Hear sobbing. Is that... DW?

Hiroto: Can it, Ryouhei. She's not coming back!

Hayato: Wait a minute, I kinda hear it too!

Hiroto: Wait what... really?!

Ryuuichi: *Enters studio* Do you guys hear that?

Hiroto: I kinda hear it, too.

Ryouhei: *Points outside studio* Over there!

DW: Hey guys...

Hayato: Why is your voice cracked?

DW: *Sniffs* It's been like that for a few days.

Ryouhei: *Hugs DW tightly* Aw, it's okay.

Hiroto: Huh, I guess the one who cares for her the most actually forgot about her.

Ryouhei: *Smuggles* Where have you been?

DW: I may not answer that but, *Brings Ryouhei to look at her* Now, I'm safe with you.

Hayato: Do the outro already!

DW: Whatever, Hayato. Didn't you miss me when I was gone?

Hiroto: Oh, he missed you alright.

DW: *Giggles* Alright, enough. *Looks at reader* Alright, hope you like the mini-story I gave you and the main story I gave you. Hope you're satisfied.

End date: March 6, 2020

Start and End date with day/s: March 1-6, 2020 [Son-Fried]

Edit: March 7+23 2020 [Sat]

Chapter 5 [Unsuggested chapter]

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