×𝙉𝙚𝙯𝙪 𝘾𝙝𝙪𝙪𝙠𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞×

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Nezu Chuuichi x Popular! Reader
Mode: A little angst, fluff, sunset
Written by: Back to DW
Start date: March 9, 2020
Words: 2,047 [2,048]
Dedicated to: NONE
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DW: Bring on Nezu-Kyun.

Hiroto: Nezu-Kyun? How come you never say my name in a cute way?

DW: That's because I liked him once.

Hiroto: Didn't you like me once?

Ryuuichi: He-hey! Don't tolerate reader-chan to read that!

DW: Sorry!

Nezu: *Enters studio* What are we gonna do?

Hayato: *Enters studio* I think I never actually talked to this guy during the whole 12 episodes of Gakuen Babysitters.

DW: Wait, is babysitter, babysitter for Japanese, too?

Ryouhei: Search it!

DW: *Shoves Nezu into the auditorium* Later! I need to write a story!

Ryouhei: Then start it!

Ryuuichi, Hayato, Hiroto: Mm...

DW: Okay! I hope you like the darn chapter!
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[Unsuggested Chapter: I'm happy for you: Quiet...]

"A-I'm not interested."

"Heh, as expected. I'm sorry I asked."

"Well, it's fine, we could still be friends."

"Ye-eah... See you around."

"See... you..." I waved goodbye to one of my best friends as he walked away in shame. Today was valentines day and he asked me out. Sadly, I delined. "Well, that's another heartbreak." I sighed to myself as I felt a hand touch my shoulder. My eyes widen in shock, looking who was behind me. "Oh," I sighed in relief. "I'm glad it's just you, Nezu."

The guy seemed really nervous and he hid something behind his back. I-is he gonna ask me out? Wa- wait a minute, don't--. "I was wondering," his hand scratched his head as his foot moved back and forth. "If you could..." He muttered something underneath his breath as I raised an eyebrow. "Wa-what?"

I think I know what he's gonna say... "Help me ask out Maria." What? Maria who? I was confused at first but then my eyes widen, yelling, "you're gonna ask out Maria Inom--!" He cut me off, covering my mouth as he shushed me. I nodded as he lets go, finally showing a bouquet of flowers that he held.

He narrowed his eyes as he fixed his vision of me. "You better keep your mouth shut, Y/n." I sweated, nodding as I was too afraid to answer. He smiled, turning away. "Good, we'll meet later at lunch."

"Ah-alright." I stuttered as he left me speechless. I was looking forward to this little task. After all, I've seen it all. I've grown tired to be asked out but never became anyone's wingman well... wing woman in this situation. Great!

[At lunch...]

"L/n," Nezu walked inside my classroom without hesitation, making everyone look at him. "Yeah?" He grabbed my hand which forced me to stand up. I heard the girl's whispering and murmuring, teasing, "ooooooohhhh~." I looked back at them, giving them a look. "It's nothing." 

We ended up in an empty, extra classroom. I sat on top of a desk as he closes the sliding door. "What's the plan?" I asked him as he gives me a look, eyes narrowed and a frowned overall. I was confused but brushed it off as he sits at a seat beside. "I'm gonna confess to her at dismissal since I couldn't do that at school." 

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