×𝙃𝙖𝙮𝙖𝙩𝙤 𝙆𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙞× /2/

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Hayato Kamitani x Mean! Reader
Mode: Granny: part 2, Sunset
Written by: DW 
Start Date: MAY 27, 2020 [WED]
Words: 1, 1018
Dedicated to: NONE
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Hayato: Me, again?!

DW: Duh, it's you Hayato. You're the main attraction. I should've made a book about you.

Ryuuichi: I feel like a burden at this point.

DW: Don't be, 'cause you're not. You're worse.

Hayato: What's worse than a burden?

DW: Ryuu, of course.

Ryuuichi: Can you stop telling me those? It's getting a little overwhelming.

DW: Alright, Hayato. You know the drill.

Hayato: Party poopers.

DW: *Kicks and puts on headphones.*

Ryuuichi: Since when did you start to wear and buy headphones? And the fact that you found the time to buy them?

DW: Oh, these? This is from Kyoya. He bought it for me.

Ryuuichi: The guy with the death note?

DW: Yeah, but you didn't need to call him out for being undercover Kira.

Ryuuichi: Alright, just do the intro already.

DW: Welcome to the forgotten series of Shift and Switch! You may continue to have your adventure with Mr. Kamitani as he just entered the auditorium. Buckle your seat belt cause we're having an adventure! Why now? Cause this story originally originated...

Ryuuichi: Originally originated?

DW: Shut it. From a book of mine and my mind was way creative back then than it is now. So, ladies and women, girls, and bisexuals, you might as well continue your journey. Have a great chapter!

Ryuuichi: Wow, you actually had the time to make this.

DW: Shh... the reader's reading.

Ryuuichi: She's always been reading.

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[Unsugested Chapter: Shift and Switch: Last part of Me...] [Shortened]


"Why you little--." Before he could continue his sentence, the woman handed out two keychains. "That would be $20." My smirk turned into a frown as I turned Hayato around, "let's go." I said, looking back to the old woman. She had a poker face on as I raised an eyebrow, not knowing what was that for.

Let's just say, later that night I didn't feel well and I'd never expected what happened next.


The next morning, I was in a room I wasn't familiar with. "What the heck is this?-- a train station?" I ask myself, sitting up as I saw a mirror and beyond that mirror was... Hayato. I tried to wave my hand and the reflection followed.

My eyes shot open. "Freaking... what the heck? This has to be a joke, right?" My smile was an unsettling one as I just stared at the mirror then frowning, looking down. I laid my head down as I trail my hands up to my forehead.

"My head hurts," I mutter, hugging my legs as I feel so dizzy. I sigh, standing up to head to the bathroom, entering it. "This has to be a joke. I mean, who would do such a thing?" I snicker, looking at the reflection. "That guy." I point my finger to the mirror, trying to take off my face.

"Now, this is hard. What happened to my hair?" I was a bit confused as I try to figure something out. "This has to be a dream," I say, looking at the counter in front of me and smashing my head, slowly to make sure it wasn't gonna hurt much.

And it did. "So... it's real? I'm in his body? No way. I don't believe it." I look at the reflection. "I don't even have boobs anymore. Very funny." My eyes widened, "what if..." I trailed off... slowly opening the gap between me and the sweat pants.

I see his underpants, slowly opening it as I blushed, slowly closing the opening as I sat on the bathroom floor. I blushed, even more, hiding my face. "Hayato has a big cock," I muttered as I tried not to look at it while taking a bath.

Soon, I was done and left the house with Taka. I see Hayato in my body as I ran up to him, slapping his face. "Do you call this a prank?!" Taka follows, confused. "Did you look?!" Hayato asked me as my face went pale.

"You pervert!" He yelled. "It's not like I can avoid it!" I yell at Hayato shakes his head in disappointment. "You can't either, Hayato! You can't keep staring at my boobs!" He blushes. "I did not, baka!"

Just then, Ryuuichi interrupts us, bringing Kotaro with him as they were about to enter the daycare. "Guys, please stop scaring the kids, it's freaking me out that both of you call your names. What happening?"

I point at Hayato who was in my body. "He played a prank on me!" Ryuuichi corrects me, "she, Hayato." I interrupt him in his lecture. "I AM NOT HAYATO!" Hayato comes up behind me. "AND I AM NOT PART OF THIS DISGUSTING BODY!"

"Stop lying cause I know you were looking at my curves, Hayato!" I yell at him as he just looks away, blushing. "I don't get it, guys. You have to stop yelling at each other." I huff, intimidated. "Hayato thought it was a good prank to make us exchange bodies."

"I'm just as confused are, [Y/n]." He mumbled, playing with my hair as he twirls it with a finger. "That's impossible," Ryuuichi says as I cocked my head towards Hayato who was still twirling my [h/c] hair.

"Did you do this?" He shakes my head, my [h/t] hair bouncing through the motion. "Then who did? Are you guys playing a prank on me?" Ryuuichi asks us as I shake Hayato's head in disbelief. "Listen, Ryuu. If we were pranking you, we would've told you by now!"

"Working with her? No way, that's stupid!" I giggle when I hear the way he talks. "Do I really sound like that when I'm mad?" I giggle lowly as Hayato raises an eyebrow. "Can we settle this later? We still have classes, you know." Ryuuichi reminds us as I leave Taka in the Daycare.


Hopefully, I won't forget about writing this, twice.

End Date: MAY 28, 2020 [THUD]

Chapter 14, Unsuggested Chapter...

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