×𝙍𝙮𝙪𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞 𝙆𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙢𝙖× 1

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Ryuuichi Kashima x Badass Sukeban!Reader
MODE: Granny? 1, Sunset 
START DATE: June 8, 2020 [Moon]
WORDS: 1,541
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DW: We got a new request, bitches!! Too bad it took long, my bad.

Ryouhei and Ryuuichi: Yay~

Hayato: How are you both excited?

Ryouhei and Ryuuichi: Cause we back in the road!

DW: Alright, alright *clap, clap* both of you are excited because Ryouhei is back in helping me and Ryuuichi's... back in being written about, again.

Hayato: Oh~, happy birthday.

DW: Don't be such a party pyewper, Hayato. We still have a one-shot to write about, shall we? *cracks knuckles*

Ryuuichi: No mind if I do--.

DW: *Kicks and wears headphones*

Ryouhei: *Sits beside DW* What are they even for?

DW: Music :D

Ryouhei: *Squints*

DW: Welcome to another Ryuuichi Kashima one-shot suggested by BriannaMojica. Hopefully, this won't become into Granny mode... hopefully... hopefully.

Ryouhei: Title?

DW: And that's... Uhh...

Ryouhei: The title itself.

DW: I'm gonna make that the title... 

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[Suggested Chapter: The Title Itself...]

"I can't believe you lead us to this, you mother--!" Hmm... [Y/n] and Ryuuichi in the same room together? I wonder how that'd happen... let's take it back from this afternoon...


"I don't like him." [Y/n] muttered under her breath as she stirs her boba [or possibly any drink of your desire] with a straw. "Oh come on, the poor guy didn't anything to you, boss. Let it go." Sayana comforted as her boss, [Y/n] as she huffs, looking down at her boba.

She eyes Kashima who was finally eating in the cafeteria and not in the daycare with Inomata, Yuki, and Hayato. "I just got a bad feeling about him is all." She muttered one last time before returning her gaze to the boba and smiled.

[Y/n] [L/n] is the strongest delinquent leader within her group of delinquents around high school. Rumor has it that she has never lost a fight verbally or physically. But if she did, she won't be able to take charge or toll in the largest and strongest group of delinquents, her group.

She has beauty and brains, not only that but ambition... strong ambitions. Inomata and the smartass she is, won't even approach her, especially when fighting another. People fear and misunderstood her.

She fights because she thinks she's powerless, herself. She's been forced to hide her weaknesses. The reason why she hates people is that... The bell rings, signaling the schoolmates to leave the crowded area.

The people flee as a stream and left the cafeteria, leaving [Y/n] in the cafeteria. "You coming with, boss?" Asked the 2nd in command, Sayana. [Y/n] looks up and shakes her head. "I'm ditching." 

Sayana hums, walking away with the last glance of [Y/n] before she leaves. She sits there for a second or two before turning to her right to find Kashima. Yes, Kashima was aware of who she was. Though, he wasn't really... frightened, scared, not even horrified with [Y/n].

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