• Request Page /Closed/

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Suggest whatever you want, I don't care anymore... here are some rules, though...

[Rule 1] Bondage, Lemon, Lime, Angst, Smut, fluff etc.

I told you that you could request whatever you want, including the few that are written as an example.

[Rule 2] Character × OC and Character × Character

I'm not sure if I'm doing this but, I'll try. Go ahead if you want an OC to be shipped with a character in the series...

[Rule 3] Charaterized

Yes, what I mean by that is: you could add anything to the character like...

[Adjective ex:] Famous!Character × [and] Shy!Reader

Go ahead and suggest if you want a certain person to be the adjective you suggested.

If you don't know what an afjective is... search it.

[Rule 4] Scenes...

You could suggest: If character confesses or If character became your girlfriend/ boyfriend.

You could basically ask "what if" this certain charater was/ became... you could ask those things...

[Rule 5]  Suggested character twice... 

If the character has a story in the book, you could suggest the character again.

[Rule 6] Complaints...


[Rule 7] Design your story without details...

Yes, as long as I understand what you're saying: go ahead and make up a story. I'll add the details.

[Rule 8] Questions...

Go ahead and ask me anything. I'll answer it.

[Rule 9] Mistakes...

Be yourself and live your life as it is, don't be embarassed if you made a mistake. For example, spelling or getting the request wrong.

[Rule 10] Comment fights...

Don't fight in the comment section.


Ask me if you don't understand a thing I'm saying right now or in a story. I'll be trying to explain it to you as much as you can for you to understand it.

Complain about my grammar or spelling but I'll most likely to avoid mistakes.

Date: February 21, 2020
Words: 311 [315]

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