×𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙖 𝙆𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙞×

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Older! Taka Kamitani x Achrophobic! Reader
Mode: Sunset
Start Date: April 13, 2020 [Moon]
Words: 1,246
Dedicated to: NONE!
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DW: *Smiles*

Ryouhei: Why are you smiling like that?

DW: I did a nice job on the title!

Ryouhei: Oh... I thought you murdered someone.

DW: Where's Taka?

Hayato: *Holding his crying brother and enters studio*

Hiroto: Present.

DW: Alright, Taka-Kun. I just need to do make you older with the Olderador, got it?

Taka: *Was put down and nods*

DW: Alright. *Points and shoots*

Taka: *Turns into a first-year high-schooler*

DW: Wow, I'm jealous of Reader-chan. *Kicks into auditorium* 

Ryouhei: I can't believe that I'm older than all of you.

Hiroto: No, I'm older than you.

Hayato: Just start the chapter already, DW... please?

DW: *Nods* Alright. Readers, sorry for slow updates. I hope you guys like this chapter and the title I made for it. Anyway, so long, friend.

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[Unsuggested Chapter: When We're Falling...]

I looked everywhere to find my friend. Where was he? "N/n-chan!" A familiar voice from behind me yells. I turned around and found an ecstatic Taka. "So," I eyed Taka-Kun. "Where were you?" He nervously laughed, scratching his head. "It really isn't that important."

And with that, every red flag was raised. He just seemed so suspicious. Why would he lie though? "Alright, we'll talk about it later, then." Taka nodded as I grabbed his hand. "Come on! For today, we'll be having fun together."

As we circled the fair, we got tired every hour that passed by. You see, after being quarantined, Taka and I decided to plan to head to the opening fair. Luckily, we were both free for the day and we ended up here...

The darkness started to enter the sky as I saw the sun setting from afar, I looked at it as Taka also noticed.  "Come with me. I know a place where we could go." He pulls me as we join the Ferris wheel line. 

I started to sweat, knowing that I have to get that high. "T-taka... you know that I'm afraid of heights, right?" He looks at me, then smiles. "Yeah!" The line began to move forward, me trying to walk properly. "The-then, what are we doing here?"

He looks at me with a small smile, he cups my cheeks, making me blush a little. "I'm here with you, N/n. I promise I won't let you go..." I didn't even notice but I started crying, allowing him to wipe my flowing tears away.

"Next!" We heard the man yell as we walk into the passenger car. He holds my hand tightly. "Don't worry, I'm still here." He hugs me as we began to move higher and higher into the sky. I shut my eyes as much as I can, feeling the light of the setting sun touch my face. I open an eye to see a wonderful view.

A little amusement escaped my lips as I looked back at Taka who was looking at me. He blushed, looking away as he tries to hide the fact that he was embarrassed. "Were you looking at me?" I asked the guy as he shook his head violently. "Sh-shut up! You don't know what happened!" I giggle to myself when...

I started freaking out as the ride stopped. The ride... just stopped and Taka and I were in the highest point. What happened?! I screamed, not wanting to stay there for longer. Taka shakes me out of my trance, "Y/n! Calm down!" Just then, an intercom coming from the park started talking...

"There are some technical difficulties coming from the Ferris Wheel, we will fix it as soon as possible."

This started to worry not only me but people who were on the ride as well. Taka bit his lip, looking down. He looked at me  who started to have a silent panic attack, sitting there with my mind all over the place.

I could sit here for longer but the thing is... I have no idea how long it will take cause I still have a breaking point. Taka touched my chin so I could look up to him, I turned to him, blushing at the sight as he smiles softly. "It'll be okay, just stay in there, got it?"

I nodded slowly, hugging Taka for dear life. I wanted to cry as it's my first experience. I whimpered, making him giggle a bit. "You want to get down?" I bit my lip, nodding slowly. He opens the door of the passenger car. I widened my eyes. "Wait a minute, when I mean--."

The boy cuts me off, "it'll be okay just hold unto my me, N/n-chan." Wait... what?! Is he out of his mind or something? You should never go down a Ferris wheel. No matter how high it is! That's not a lesson you learn from life, that's common sense! "Come on, it'll only take a second, just close your eyes and hug me."

I hesitated... I hugged him, holding him as I feel him slowly moving downwards. Some people gasps were heard from the other passenger cars and down below. I blush as how many people are looking at us. Probably a hundred. I didn't know how it happened but surprisingly we got it to the ground safely, I hesitantly let go before opening my eyes to find a crowd cheering us on.

This is so unrealistic... what in the world? One wrong step and we could've died. Luckily, the employee was also impressed that he didn't even care that we could've died, he should have lectured us not to. I bit my lip, holding unto Taka tightly but then smiling, looking up to him and him smiling back.

Sooner or later, we were out of the amusement park, I was holding cotton candy on a stick, eating it in delight. Taka smiled at me, asking, "so, how was he experience, Y/n?" I blush. It was great but dangerous. I sighed, looking up to him. "I guess it's better When We're Falling with each other.."

He kisses me on the head, making me blush a bit.


We got home and watched a movie, me still wondering why he kissed me on the head... does he like me? I look over to the guy, I blushed. He looked back, I didn't look away like he did but I hugged him. Do I like him back? I looked up to him. "Can I tell you something?"

He nods in delight, pausing the movie. I inhaled, exhaling after, telling him, "I like you, Taka-Kun." His eyes widen, blush to spread across his face. I bit my lip, looking away as he didn't answer but kissed me on the lips. I blushed a crimson red, kissing back.


[Eternity is a long time, not only bring a friend but also a special someone...]

•Y/n-San [Credits to MCP, me]


DW: Happy National Anime Day!

Hiroto: It seems like a normal day to me.

DW: *Eyes* Of course it is.

Taka: *Goes into studio*

Ryouhei: How's your first one-shot, Taka?

Hayato: Probably him being problematic as ever.

DW: Don't be like that, Hayato! You're the elder brother!

Hayato: Yeah, right.

Taka: It was fun! I really liked Y/n!

DW: I'm glad you liked it.

Ryouhei: *Points Youngerator at Taka*

DW: Wait, I haven't done the outro yet!

Ryouhei: *Shoots*


End date: April 15, 2020 [National Anime Day A.K.A Wed]

[Chapter 7... Unsuggested]

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