×𝙔𝙖𝙜𝙞 𝙏𝙤𝙢𝙤𝙮𝙖× /1/

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Yagi Tomoya x Reader
Mode: Granny: 1, Nether
Written by: DW
Start date: April 18, 2020 [SAT]
Words: 976
Dedication to: NONE
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DW: Alright, time for another random one-shot!

Ryuuichi: Why do you call them random?

Ryouhei: Because the readers aren't talking or making suggestions that's why she just picks random people but at the same time she uses their birthdays like what she did to Taka.

Dw: See? Ryouhei knows what's up.

Hayato: *Enters Studio, carrying Tomoya using "Over The Shoulder" carrying pose* Brought 'em. *Puts down*

DW: What's his first name?

Tomoya: Tomoya.

DW: *Lowly chuckles* Funny.

Tomoya: No, seriously.

DW: Just go through the door to your left.

Tomoya: *Spots and walks towards it*

DW: *Kicks* Alright, reader. Have fun with the dumb blonde. Hope you like it.

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[Unsuggested Chapter: Dreams and Wishes...]

We start this story with a flashback...

When Nezu-Kun, Yagi-Kun, and I went camping for the first time, I had a dream... more specifically a nightmare...

The dream was eerie and I never wanted to encounter it again. The dream goes like this...

I was woken up by a ruffling sound in the distance, my eyes tried to adjust to the darkness and I saw something. It wasn't clear but I could see two yellow glowing eyes. I was frightened, it was surreal. I trembled, not wanting to sleep as it might leave my sight and do something terrible. It was slender and tall.

I couldn't even tell it's gender. Whatever it was... I knew it was dangerous and weird. When I fully adjusted to the darkness surrounding me, I saw no one was beside me and when I turned to the monster outside of the tent, my skeptic and confused expression turned into fear and regret. It had a toothy grin, and androgynous attire, and a twisted body and face that I could never unsee.

I kept staring at it, wishing that it would go away as I smelt a scent, darkness surrounded me as my eyes slowly close. I opened them again to find the monster gone and nowhere to be seen. I was frightened but the scent just kept going. My eyes got droopy and the drowsiness continued until...

I was crying in my sleep, woken up by a soft, overwhelming voice. "Ya-Yagi-Kun?" I asked, tears rolling down my rosy cheeks as I felt his warm arms wrap around me, shushing me, and I feel his warmth. And with the safety of a friend, I quietly slept my thoughts away and continued to sleep in Yagi's arms.

Sometimes, until this day, I still wonder if it was all a dream or... if that was real. I shook my head as I stopped my thoughts from rushing in. I continued to listen in the lesson and continued to have a break from the thoughts in my head.

Now, it was lunchtime and I was dragged to the Daycare room by Inomata. She said we'll meet some toddlers there. But as we entered the room, there were none. There was just Ryuuichi, Nezu, and Yagi. I narrowed my eyes at Maria as she turned to the three guys who were talking, acknowledging our existence.

She sighed and looked at me. "Sorry, [Y/n]. I'm guessing they wouldn't be here after all." I shortly nodded, having a sweet smile on my face. "It's okay, Inomata-senpai. I think they just went out for a walk. Let's talk another time, okay?"

And with that, the 3 boys looked at the open door. Inomata sighed, walking away into the other direction. Supposedly, Yagi-Kun seemed to have a question, running up to me. "[Y-Y/n]-Kun?" I heard him call. I looked back to Yagi who had an expression that I can't really tell. "Yes?"

"Can we talk for the remaining time of lunch?"

I smiled and shortly nodded at his question. He smiled and grabbed my hand, walking out of the hallway. We soon got to an isolated area where [you could choose the rooftop, garden... wherever you like, as long as it's outdoors. It's not like it's important. All you need is your imagination.] The wind was blowing freely and some flowers were dancing from afar. Yagi really has good tastes in finding a hangout area.

He then sat beside me, holding me by the waist as he brings me closer to him, I lightly blush as this isn't something he was to do. He cupped my cheeks, making me look around for any of his fangirls were watching. After all, he was very popular and I don't want to get caught. The girls are savages when they realize he's with me... An intelligent nobody. [You are in the advanced class, got it? The only thing is... no one respects you. I'm sorry.]

Yagi went closer to my ear, whispering some words that were muffled due to the wind still gushing by...

My eyes widened...

|- -|- -|- -| To Be Continued |- -|- -|- -|

Ryuuichi: Wow, a cliffhanger~.

Hiroto/Ryouhei/DW: Yes, a cliffhanger!

Hayato: Why so hype about such a cliffhanger? Some of the readers don't like cliffhangers.

Hiroto: No way, the readers I know love cliffhangers.

DW: It doesn't really matter but I swear, if I read or watched a cliffhanger, I'd be eager.

Ryouhei: More eager than you being ho--.

DW: *Slaps* Don't say that word!

Yagi: *Enters*

DW: Yes! The end is near!

Yagi: I'm just still surprised that she'd say that even the Coronavirus is still around.

DW: Whatever, Yagi. You don't know anything about the real world.

Yagi: Right~.

DW: *Looks at Camera* Arigatou Gozaimas, readers. I'm fine with y'all being silent but sometimes I just wish someone out there could talk.

Hiroto: She's right, none of the readers sent comments.

DW: Shut up!

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End Date: April 20, 2020 [Moon]

Chapter 8, unsuggested chapter...

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