×𝙃𝙖𝙮𝙖𝙩𝙤 𝙆𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙞× /1/

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Hayato Kamitani x Mean! Reader
Mode: Granny: part 1, Nether
Written by: DW [Kira Hiroto from the anime: Inazuma Eleven]
Start Date: MAR 1, 2020
Words: 788 [779]
Dedicated to: NONE
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Hayato: Where's DW?

Ryuuichi: I don't know, she seems to be missing.

Hiroto: Don't state the obvious, Ryuuichi.

Ryouhei: Seriously, though. Who is DW?

Hayato: DW's the only girl who runs the studio without any hesitation nor suffering that she's in a room filled with random idiots.

Ryuuichi: True but... I wouldn't call ourselves random idiots, I think she knows us very well.

Hayato: Yeah right.

Hiroto: Enough with all the typing/talking, someone needs to finish this book.

Ryouhei: *Kicks Hayato into auditorium* What's he gonna do in there?

Ryuuichi: *Ignores the question* Do you know how to make a DW story?

Hiroto: *Also ignores the question* Yeah, I see her all the time.

Ryuuichi: Well then, start!

Hiroto: Okay, okay. Geeze! *Pushes Ryuuichi into the auditorium*
[- -][- -][- -]
[Unsugested Chapter: Shift and Switch: Trouble in Paradise...] [Shortened]

In the daycare room, Kotaro, Taka, Ryuuichi, Hayato and I were left behind as Usaida took Midori and the other toddlers for a walk. "You guys are very similar to each other, how come you guys dislike each other?" Ryuuichi asked, looking towards Kotaro and Taka in the corner.

"A.) We are nothing alike and B.) We don't dislike each other, we despise each other." I clarified Ryuuichi's statement as me and Hayato high-fived. "Fine, whatever you say." Ryuuichi sighed, rolling his eyes as I stood up. "I'm gonna catch up with Usaida-san and the others," I said, checking my phone. "Bye, guys."

"Bye, L/n." the boys said in sync as I finally slid the door close, walking out of the school as I heard a voice behind me, looking behind to find Hayato. He was walking with his hands in his pockets, showing one of them to find my purse. "Oh..." 

The boy finally got to me as he handed over my purse, I gladly took it as I said, "you want to know what's this for?" And before he could answer something back, I quickly hit him with the purse. "Ow!" He yelled, rubbing his red cheek. "What was that for, Y/n?! I didn't do anything to you!"

 "That's for bringing this here you, perv!" He looked at me madly. "First off, I'm not a perv and second of all, Ryuuichi was the one who told me to hand it over!" I lowered my hands. "Liar!" He lowered down his hands as well. "Am not!"

"Hello, children..." An old woman greeted us from behind as we came with a friendly approach. "Well hello, Ms," I said as Hayato continued. "Could you please shut up?" He asked politely as I said. "Cause we're having an argument right now!!" Well... I yelled.

The old lady didn't seem to care but she keeps on smiling as she kept going like it was a normal conversation. "Would you like a gift?" She asked politely as I turned to Hayato. He shook his head as I looked at the woman with my signature smirk. "We'll have two, please."

"Why you little--." Before he could continue his sentence, the woman handed out two keychains. "That would be $20." My smirk turned into a frown as I turned Hayato around, "let's go." I said, looking back to the old woman. She had a poker face on as I raised an eyebrow, not knowing what was that for.

Let's just say, later that night I didn't feel well and I'd never expected what happened next.

A/n [Not Hiroto]
Yay, cliffhangers! Aren't they just swell!? I don't honestly like them where you leave me off with a question but I know that as soon as you first read this, there's already a part 2.

I once wrote a story about this when she was just 11. Yes, in 2019. She's now 12. T^T Anyway, the original story was inspired by rein_nii and was deleted away from the internet. The story was a Kidou Yuuto x reader, very emotional than this one and was longer than this story.

I just wanted to say that, I'm gonna change some stuff from this story from the original and the Kidou x reader. But now that, that's over, I could say that the Philippines is under lockdown tomorrow morning. Hope I don't die in this stupid, tender age.

End Date: March 9, 2020

Start and End date w/ day/s: March 1-9, 2020 [Sunday-Monday]

Yes, it took longer than a week and yes it took longer than the following chapter.

Edit date: Tomorrow [This is still March 9] March 10

Chapter 4 [Unsuggested chapter]

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