×𝙆𝙤𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙤 𝙆𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙢𝙖×

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Older!Kotaro Kashima x Reader
MODE: Sunset, Fluff!
START DATE: FEB 24, 2020
WORDS: 1,759
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Hayato: And just how are you gonna make Kotaro older?

DW: By using the Olderador! By using this baby, I could make anyone older by whatever year I want!

Ryouhei: And how are you going to bring him back?

DW: By using the Youngerador. It does the complete opposite of what the olderador is gonna do.

Ryouhei and Hayato: Just make sure it's safe.

DW: Of course it is, it's made by the one and only: Mei Hatsume! From My Hero Academia, of course.

Hiroto: Wait a minute, don't bring the animes all together, it's gonna break the system!

DW: Alright, alright. Let's just get this over with. *Points Radar at Kotaro and shoots*
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[Unsuggested Chapter: Find Love]

"I just don't get it!" I told him. "Why can't I be like her? She's so beautiful..." He patted my back as he opened his mouth. "Everybody has their own type of beauty, Y/n." He bit on his sandwich again.

I rolled my eyes and brought my knees under my chin. "Yeah, while she got the looks, what do I have in store?"

"Personality, Y/n. Personality."

I laughed at what Kotaro said, getting up the couch and heading to the kitchen. "Yeah right," I said, Kotaro following my tail. "I have the face and attitude of a rat."

"What's the matter of being a cute white rat?"

"Kotaro," I look at his eyes with both eyebrows furrowed. "I mean the house rats. The ones that eat your food and walk around the house as they bought it." He nodded, finally arriving in the kitchen. "You do have a point."

I grunted, getting Kotaro's cereal and a bowl. "What are you doing?"

"Preparing cereal."

"Hey! That's not yours! You didn't buy that with your money!"

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He looks away. "Oh." I smiled, getting the milk and spoon. I poured both milk and cereal into the bowl, leaving some leftover splatters, getting the spoon and finally walking away.

"You better clean that up, Y/n."


Kotaro rolled his eyes, following me--. Wait... didn't I already explain to you why I'm here? No?

Well, explains why you were quite confused at the start. Anyway...

I'm here cause my parents thought it was a good idea to leave me alone with Kotaro who was a friend of mine. But... they didn't leave me there cause we were gonna do a project together. No! I was there cause he was babysitting me. All because he was a year older than me!

"School Babysitters?" More like "Home Babysitters with a Plot Twist!" Are you serious? It doesn't mean he's already way more responsible than me!

Gosh. I wish I was at home playing video games. Too bad Kotaro doesn't.


"Alright, Y/n baby," my mom knocked on the door of Kotaro's house as she was keeping an eye of my angry state. "You'd be staying at Kotaro's house for today, okay?"

An eye-roll and a little, "Whatever." Was said to be my reaction as the door opened. "Yes?" Kotaro asked as he saw my mom. "Well, hello Ms. L/n. What are you doing here today?"

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