×𝙍𝙮𝙪𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞 𝙆𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙢𝙖× /1/

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Ryuuichi Kashima x Dead!Reader
MODE: Granny: Part 1, Nether
WORDS: 596 [599]
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Ryuuichi: Another o--.

DW: Yes, Ryuuichi. Another one.

Ryuuichi: But why? *Looks around* And where are the both of the guys who are in a different anime.

DW: A.) Cause If a dead reader likes you, I have a story for them and B.) They're riding a pegasus.

Ryuuichi: Wait for what?

Hayato: Just put you're a** in there so she could get to my story.

DW: See, Hayato's got the spirit. Let's go! *Pushes Ryuuichi and kicks Hayato into the Auditorium* See you soon, dead readers.
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[Unsuggested Chapter: A human: Meeting the Monkey...]

This story takes place on a Thursday when it was just 1 week into the school year of Morinomiya High School, where Ryuuichi and Hayato entered the daycare room with both angry and happy expressions. They were there to drop off Taka and Kotaro so they could continue into their classes.

But... "Kamitani, you go ahead first. I'll catch up later." Ryuuichi told his new friend which was about to head out the sliding door. "Are you sure? You might not memorize the pathway leading to our classroom, Kashima." Ryuuichi waved his hands, trying not to make the boy worried. "Don't worry. I'll be there as soon as you know it."

Before leaving, Kamitani looked into Ryuuichi's eyes as Ryuuichi looked back, smiling and nodding his head, reassuring him that it'll be fine. Kamitani smiled, closing the door as he leaves the daycare room.

You see, Kashima doesn't memorize the way back to his classroom and back again to the daycare. Why? Because, as I said, it's his first week of the school year. He wouldn't memorize the place that easily, could he? Well, unless he's very good at memorization. And... if you say they had a school tour before going to school? They probably did but for the sake of the story, let's say they didn't have a school tour.

Anyway, after the business that Kashima had with his brother, the toddlers, and Usiada. Probably Usaida. He went out of the daycare room, waved bye to all of them and left.

The guy tried to memorize where his classroom was and tried to get there, but he failed and entered the nearest boys' bathroom. "I bet classes started already, I gotta--." The door opened as a girl with h/c hair went inside and gasped. "Oh dear," she said in a whispering tone. "Is this the wrong bathroom?"

Ryuuichi stared at her, confused. Why was she acting all normal that she went to the wrong restroom? "I think... yeah...?" He said confusingly as the girl pointed inside the bathroom. "Where are the unirals?" Ryuuichi's eyes widen in surprise as he left the bathroom, embarrassed. "Oh," the girl thought to herself. "So this was the girls' bathroom."

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Hiroto: Where's the thing...?

Ryouhei: What thing?

Hiroto: The quote.

Ryouhei: What quote?

Hiroto: DW always writes a quote at the end of every story.

Ryouhei: Who's DW?

Hiroto: Are you serious?

Ryouhei: Yes, I am. Now, who's DW?

Hiroto: What do you mean, Ryouhei? She's the one who made a whole book about Fubuki Shirou and this one-shot book.

Ryouhei: Well, I don't know her, Hiroto. And if she didn't exist, you might be out of your mind. You're the one who wrote this book.

Hiroto: No, I'm not, Ryouhei. I'm serious!

End Date: MAR 1, 2020

Start and End Date w/ day/s: MAR 1, 2020 [Son]

Chapter 3 [Unsuggested Chapter]

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