Chapter 5

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Cameron Santiago POV

"Cameron!" I hear a voice calling me, awakening me from sleep. I look up and see Kelley already changed into her kit. How long has she been up for?

"What time is it?" I ask.

"45 minutes until breakfast." When she said that, that's when I realized I slept through my alarms. I have never done that. I guess all the traveling and emotions just took over last night. I slept like a baby. I thought I would be nervous, but my nerves are on the calmer side this morning. Kelley makes her way downstairs and I start getting dressed.


"Okay group one start with the hurdles. Group two conditioning that Dawn planned out. Group three sprints." Coach Vlatko states after giving us our groups. Eventually we rotate seven minutes into each category. Vlatko then splits us up by positions. I am out with the midfielders. It's just drills after drills. I am giving it my all and feel pretty confident. Little do I know the real test is coming up.

"6 v 6. First up, Cameron, Kelley, Pugh, Dunn, Lavelle, Ashlyn. You'll be against Krieger, Naeher, Tobin, Carli, Alex, and Sonnet." One of the coaches announced.

As we start out, everyone seems out of place. Eventually as we feel out every person's style of play things start to come along. My connection with Kelley on the field is beautiful. The dynamic we make is nothing I have felt on the field. Our game style fits like a puzzle. As if we have been playing for years with each other. My team is up a goal, but that doesn't mean anything as Alex scores making us tie. I meg Tobin not once but twice in less than five minutes. I end up scoring a beautiful shot in the upper right corner just missing the fingertips of Naeher's hand. After a couple of minutes, the coach ends the short match. The other team beat us by a goal, but we did not go down without a fight. If that little match is an insight to how we play as a national team, I am in. It's difficult but doable.

"Not bad kiddo," Krieger says as she slaps my shoulder.

"You got skill Santiago," Heath calls out.

"Yo Cameron, you felt that connection in the middle of the match. We were on the same page. That felt amazing." Kelley comes up to me to say.

Eventually training is over. We head over to lunch and end up going back to our rooms. Kelley showers first as I get my stuff ready to go next. Once she's out I hop in. When I finish I go to take a nap, but see there's a couple of players in our room with Kelley. I don't want to be rude, so I text Ashlyn if I could knock out in her room and of course she says yes.

Ali Krieger POV

Ash and I made our way back to the hotel after our walk. We usually go on walks to just clear our heads and appreciate nature.

"How is it seeing her after this long babe?" I question Ashlyn.

"I honestly can't even tell you. It brings back so many memories and feelings. Ali, I have been looking for her for years. You tried to help me at one point, remember? She saved my life. I don't think I would have actually gotten better if it weren't for her. We were in treatment together, but I finished mine for her. I wasn't planning on becoming clean let alone finish treatment. I told you how I wouldn't be alive if she hadn't shown up. She pushed me to open up and express myself in the group therapy sessions. She pushed me to become better than I once was. What we went through together built a relationship and connection only Cam and I understand. We pushed each other, but at the end of the day, I owe that kid my life." I hear her choking on her words slightly.

I know how much Cam means to Ash, but to hear her say it out loud makes it real. This kid really saved my soulmate. That's why I thanked her when I realized who she was. She changed my wife to become the best version of herself. My wife is alive and well because of the bond and connection that was formed meeting Cameron.

We end up continuing our walk in silence until we make it to our room. It's an hour before dinner and we have to wake up Cam. When we head through the doors, Cam is right where we left her. She was knocked out to say the least. I see a smile come on Ash's face. The smile soon fades as we hear Cameron's breathing became labored. I wouldn't have made anything of it, but the look on Ash's face is pure fear and sadness.

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