Chapter 18

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Ashlyn Harris POV

"There is a mass shooting happening right now at Stanford University. According to what I have read, there were at least five students who entered the campus and opened fire." He states. I feel the whole room hold their breath. "There's a lot of fatalities and injuries. We are trying our best to get in contact with Cameron, but her phone keeps going straight to voicemail. We are trying to get in contact with anyone who can get word on her."

"No. No. This isn't real." I say rushing to my locker and grabbing my cell phone. I see everyone's eyes on me. There are no notifications. I call Cameron and just like Vlatko says, it goes right to voicemail. I feel Ali whispering to me that things will be okay, but I can't bring myself to believe it. Something in my heart knows she isn't okay.

"I c-can't breathe. Ali, I-I c-can't" Ali grabs me and sits me on a chair.

"Ash, listen to me. You are having a panic attack. Just listen to my voice. You're okay. Deep breaths. In and out. In and out." I hear Ali telling me and I try to listen but the thought of Cam being hurt or worse is over taking my mind. I also see my old friend, Taylor's, face and what happened flash across. I couldn't save Taylor. I can't save Cameron. I don't know what's happening. I hear Ali tell someone to get a cold wash cloth. I feel it on the back of my neck. It helped because I feel myself coming back to reality and Ali still telling me to breathe.

I look around the room and see everyone's eyes on me and Ali. I see sadness and some with tears streaming down their face. Cameron became family to most of these people. They also know how much she means to me and Ali.

"What do we do now?" Carli asks out loud to anyone who will answer.

"We wait. I will keep trying to get updates as much as possible. Let's head over to the hotel for now and if anything happens I will let you all know." Vlatko responds and with that we head over to the bus.

I feel Ali looking at me as we walk. "You haven't had a panic attack in a long time Ash. I mean, it's been years since you had them. Is part of it about Taylor?" She knows me so well. I nod.

As we sit on the bus I turn to Ali, "Ali I need to fly over there. I need to find her and make sure she's okay."

"Take a deep breath. Ash there's nothing you can do. There are first responders there doing their job. We have to trust them and the process." Ali tries to calm me down. "We won't be able to do anything if we fly up there."  She has a point but I can't just sit and do nothing. The rest of the drive to the hotel was silent. People were praying and hoping things will be okay.

Back at the hotel, we all rushed to my room and put on the news.

"Breaking news! Gunmen have opened fire at Stanford University. It's been about an hour into the mass shooting and there have been dozens of reported fatalities and injuries. First responders are trying their best to take control of the situation. The S.W.A.T team has arrived and appears to be making a plan to seize control. According to multiple sources, there are now at least seven known gunmen involved. Sources don't know why or how this would happen. We are going on a commercial break but stay tuned for more information." The TV broadcaster says.

"It's just pure chaos over there." Pinoe says under her breath.

"Cam's a fighter. I'm sure she'll find a way out. She's strong." Alex Morgan says rubbing my back.

"I don't want to think about it. I'm going to shower." I say quietly getting up. I need to clear my head.

Cameron Santiago POV

I was just finishing up two out of my three exams. I took my first one a few hours ago. Vlatko allowed me to come to camp late and promised me to always let my school work come first. I was glad we were on the same page. I want to make sure I graduate and have a stable job with my degree after I finish soccer. Soccer only lasts so long.

I just finished bubbling in my last answer on my scantron. I looked over my exam and made sure I am confident with my answers. I get up to hand it in the exam and walk out. I decided to go to the library and study for my last exam with Kasey. Kasey has been one of the first friends I made here. She also plays as another midfielder on my team. As we sit and study, I hear the all too familiar sound of gunshots. Being in the library, there was nowhere to hide. As we look around, all there are are bookshelves and tables. I then think to myself, here I am facing death again, but will I come out a winner this time around.

"Run," I hear Kasey say but I know that's not smart, but the only other option is to be a sitting duck. Those two options suck and I'm shaking from fear, but I do as I am told. We both make our way from the second level of the library and down the stairs, but that's when I spot the dude with the gun. Fuck!

I put my hand out to stop her from running, "Kasey, stop." But I was just short of reaching her. I ducked as she reached the bottom of the stairs. He spotted her. I heard the gunshots. I know she's dead. There's no doubt she was just killed in front of me. I try to keep small behind a tall vase in the middle of the platform of the steps. I hear him come up the steps.
This is it.
This is the moment I die.
Ha, everything I have survived. This is how I'm going to die.
I felt my body falling before I felt the pain.
I felt the pain of the shot before I heard it.
You know how in movies they say life flashes before your eyes, well it's true. I start to recall every memory from years ago to now.
All I want is to call Ali and Ash but I left my dead phone on the table when I decided to panic and run.
I want them to protect me and bring me comfort. They are going to be devastated if I don't make it. The whole team will be sad. I start to feel cold. Over time the coldness goes away and warmth takes over. I start to see my parents and siblings wave at me telling me to join them.

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