Chapter 17

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Cameron Santiago POV

"Thank you for driving me to see them today. You don't know how much it means to me." I thank Ash as we drive back to the house.

"Anytime, kiddo. How was it?" Ash replies.

"It felt weird. There were so many things I wanted to say, but it kind of jumbled up when I was talking. It was nice though. I think I needed it. I miss them so much." I feel myself tearing up. I just close my eyes and lean against the window.

"Cameron we're home." I hear someone say.

I look up and see Ali in the passenger seat trying to make sure I woke up. "Oh I didn't even realize I fell asleep." We all chuckle.

"It's been an emotional day, so it makes sense." Ali says rubbing my knee. "Let's go inside and head to bed."

I didn't need to be told twice. I quickly went inside, did my night hygiene routine, and changed into my pjs. I still feel overwhelmed from visiting my family and can't stop thinking. Without thinking, I find myself in front of Krashlyn's bedroom door. I proceed to knock and Ash opens the door within a couple of seconds.

"What's up? Is everything away?" She asked worriedly.

I look up at her and ask, "Can I sleep in here with you guys tonight?"

"Of course. Hop on in, kid."

I went to Ash's side and laid down as she went in the middle of Ali and I.

"So... Ali and I have been talking about you." Ash says calmly.

"Oh yeah, care to share?"

"Well, when you leave here and go back to your life, we want you to know if you'd like to come back for holidays and breaks. We want this to almost be like a place you can call home. We see you as part of our family. And don't think for a second we are trying to replace your family because that is not our intention whatsoever." Ash continues on. I just stay quiet. They want me to be part of their family? Why would they want that? I'm already an adult.

"How do you feel about it, Cameron?" Ali voices, pulling me out of my trance.

"Are you serious?" I question them.

"We want you to be part of a family, our family. Me and Ash don't know how, but when you entered, or reentered, in Ash's case, our lives and hearts grew for you. We want to be present for you at every milestone in your life." Ali reaches over and grabs by hand.

I sat quiet gathering my thoughts. Years of losing hope that I will be alone in this world and now I am here. What the hell is life? Life loves to fuck shit up and toss it in the air like it is a coin toss. I just chuckle.

"Yes. I would love to call this place home." I then hop into the middle and hug them both. "And I would love to call you part of my family."

And just like that we fall asleep in each other's arms. Things are going to be okay.


Ashlyn Harris POV

Cameron left a couple of hours ago back to Stanford. After visiting her family, she spent three more days with us that just flew by. She trusts us. She has opened herself up to allowing to be loved and being dependent on us when needed. The house feels empty without her presence. I know Logan and Alaska miss her too. Cam would take them to the park every morning and night. She played with them endlessly. Ali would braid Cam's hair after every shower and give her advice on things. It was a beautiful sight. Who knew that at the beginning of the week that this would happen. I would have never guessed that we would be where we are with our relationship with Cameron. To see Cameron accept the love she deserves and not question it is a miracle itself.

We are going to see each other in less than two weeks for another camp. It's a short time from now but I already miss that kid.


Ali and I are off to LA once again for another camp. It's the last one before our game against England. As soon as we get to the hotel we are greeted by all our teammates in the lobby. We unpack our things, change, and then head over to the pitch. Everyone is excited and the weather is finally warming up and bringing spirits up too.

"Ash, where's Cameron?" Tobin asks me while we are conditioning.

"Don't tell me she didn't get called up." Pinoe heads over to us wondering the same thing. I know a few others are eavesdropping wanting the tea.

"No worries needed. She has a couple of exams that need to be done today, so she asked Vlatko if she can come a day late. He accepted and said school comes first. So she'll be here tomorrow afternoon."

"Oh good because I love that kid. She's an asset to the team." O'Hara says. The team all agree and nod their head in agreement.

Alex Morgan comes and amplifies the praise given to Cameron. "She's going to make it far. She has so much potential.  We won't let her forget it. And we all have her back no matter what. On and off the field!" 

After that comment, Dawn leads us through the rest of conditioning. We then split off and practice drills for our positions. Everything went smoothly. We then went and had a short scrimmage. Vlatko had been watching us when one of the assistant coaches grabbed his attention.

He blows his whistle. "Hold the play guys." The assistant, David, whispers something in his ear and I see a look of fear come across his face. He looks around the field at the players and I can see something that scares him in his eyes. He whispers back to the assistant coach who just nods.

"Finish the scrimmage, David will watch and monitor. I'll be back." And with that we continue confused as to what just happened.

At the end of the scrimmage, David makes an announcement. "Vlatko is holding a meeting right now in the locker room. Just head over there as quickly as you can."

This never happens. Coach never holds meetings directly after practice. He usually lets us head back to the hotel and freshen up giving us a breather. I look around and see all my other teammates as confused. Everyone is whispering their ideas of what this could be about, but a lot of us are just so lost as to what it could be. When we enter the locker room, we see him sitting down with his head in his hands. As he hears us enter, he gets up and puts a sad smile on his face.

"Okay, everyone I need you to sit down. There's some news that just surfaced and I want to be the first to let you all know." Vlatko rubs his head. "I don't even know how to start this off. I'm sorry." We see him tear up a little.

We all just sit there silently waiting for him to continue.

"There is a mass shooting happening right now at Stanford University. According to what I have read, there were at least five students who entered the campus and opened fire." He states. I feel the whole room hold their breath...

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