Chapter 6

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Ali Krieger POV

"It's okay, it's just a nightmare." Ash says making her way Cameron's side of the bed. Cam kept tensing up and her breathing became labored. "It's Ash. I'm here. Don't worry, I got you. It's not real."

As soon as Ash goes to stroke Cam's hair, Cam is startled awake. She sits up trying to control her breathing and looking at her surrounding rapidly.

"Hey hey it's just me and Ali, you are safe. You are in our room. It's just us." Ash says trying to look Cam in her eyes. Cam looks around the room and I can physically see the confusion and fear leave her face. When she looks calmer she turns to face us.

"I'm okay." Cameron says as she gets up from the bed. "I'm sorry if I scared you guys." I go tell her there is no need to apologize but I am cut off. 

"How long ago did the nightmares start back up again?" Ash asks.

"They never left." And with that she gets up and walks over to the door.

"Where are you going, Cam? What do you mean they never left?" I hear the concern in Ash's voice.

"Don't worry about it, it's not your problem. I'm heading back to my room to freshen up before dinner. I'll see you there." Cam says. I see Ash get frustrated. 

"It may not be my problem, but I am concerned for you." I see how the girl's nightmare affected Ash. Ash's maternal instincts were high. I can see all she wanted for the kid is to be happy and safe.

"Well don't be, it's fine. I'm used to it." And with that she leaves the room.

"Did she just walk out of our conversation?" Ash says going to follow her out the room, but I put a hand on her waist. "Why is she shutting me out?"

"Let her be Ash. She has been on her own for a while." I try to calm her down.


Cameron Santiago POV

As I make my way over to the buffet, I grab a plate and pile on food. I didn't realize how exhausting and energy draining training was going to be. I do my best to avoid Ash after the nightmare incident. I just didn't want to talk about it, but I know she did. I have been alone for a while so I only had myself. It's hard to confide in someone after years of only trusting myself. After I finish grabbing food, I see Krieger waving me down to sit at her table with Tobin, Kelley, Rapinoe, and Ash. I make my over and sit on the only empty chair which happens to be between Tobin and Ash. I'm blessed that Ash doesn't bring the topic up, but she keeps giving me a side glance as if she keeps mentally checking me over to make sure I am okay. Well I am. It happens and I don't want Ash to feel obligated to take care of me. She did a lot for me in rehab and I don't want her to feel like she has to do it again. I'm fine on my own.

A couple of hours later, the team makes its way to the game room. We are relaxing and enjoying ourselves. We put a movie in the background as we just chat about ourselves and our day. Before I know it the attention is on me.

"So is your family happy that you made it all the way to the national team?" Dunn asks me. I shift uncomfortably for a split second. I feel Ash stare at me. I know she's wondering how I was going to answer the question. She was the only one that knew the full story of my entire life. But this moment of inevitable.

"They would be. They passed away years ago, but they always loved to watch me play. My brother and sister always played with me. They always supported me, so I wouldn't doubt for a second they are cheering me on the entire way, and will continue to cheer me on." I reply honestly.

"I'm sorry I didn't know." Dunn replied.

"No need to apologize. It was a valid question to ask." I say back.

"Who did you grow up with then?" Kelley asks.

"You don't need to answer that." Ash cuts in right away making everyone wonder why not.

"It's okay. You don't need to protect me, Ash." She looks taken aback by my words. "I ended up in the foster system until I aged out."

"Is it as bad as people say?" I hear Rapinoe ask.

"Worse. There are good homes and bad homes, but the bad outweigh the good by a lot. It was rough to say the least, but I'm here aren't I." I rhetorically say. I try my best not to overshare. So much happened in those homes, but I kept the details out. Just enough words so people stop questioning and it works. The subject quickly turns to Rapinoe's next hair color choice. 

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