Chapter 24

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Cameron Santiago POV

It's been almost a week since the shooting and I'm finally able to get discharged from the hospital. Listen, it's been rough. And I'm using the word rough as an understatement. I haven't had a full night's rest since the shooting. Everytime I sleep, I see Kasey getting shot. It's as if I am reliving it. It also triggered the night my whole family died. The distinct sound of gunshots and screaming will forever haunt me. I jump everytime a door bangs too loud or someone speaks louder than usual. I flinch every time someone touches me unexpectedly. The pain has subsided a little but it still hurts like hell. But I think I am more mentally broken than physically.

Ash, Ali, Pinoe, Mal, Alex, and Tobin have stayed by my side the entire week. With the England game pushed back, Coach Vlatko figured we could put in extra work and add an extra week of training. I obviously won't be training but I didn't want to stop Ali and Ash from going. They wanted to go with me wherever I went so I agreed to go back to LA with them and that's where we are headed now.  Eventually we arrive at the hotel and I'm welcomed back by everyone including Vlatko. They put in a room with Ash and Ali. I think Krashlyn requested it so they can keep an eye on me. I've been emotionally all over the place trying to deal with everything and it's not just taking a toll on me but them as well.

Once we get settled, we head over to the bus that's taking us to the pitch. Everyone starts training and I join them for the light leg conditioning part. When the training intensifies, I go sit in the grass by the sideline and watch everyone. I manage to take a power nap towards the end of training. I taught myself if I sent an alarm to only sleep for 20 minutes, I won't have enough time to have a nightmare.

Ashlyn Harris POV

I hate to say this, but taking care of Cam has been very draining. We all try to help her but she's pushing us away. The more we help the more she closes up. Trying to get her to open up and talk about the events that occurred is practically hopeless. When she left our house in Florida, she was an open flower and accepted things, but now I feel all the progress we made is out the door. We are a few steps back from where we started.

As we wrap up training, I notice her napping in the grass. I go and grab her as people make their way to the bus.

"Hi, sweetie." I say before touching her to wake her up hoping my voice is enough. She hasn't been doing well with physical contact either. We've noticed how she flinches and jumps when she's touched.

"Hi." She says opening her eyes. "Time to go?" She asks.

I nod. She stands up and I wrap an arm around her as we walk to the bus.

The girls have been doing great distracting her and keeping her smiling. I don't know what we would do without the team's support. Cam goes and sits next to Kelley. I think Kelley is Cam's favorite teammate besides me and Ali of course. Kelley has been by her side. I see them becoming best friends soon.

2 Days Later

The team just finished training and we are back at the hotel. We ate dinner and decided to chill.

"Ash, I'm going to go for a walk." Cam says.

"I'll come with you." I don't hesitate to say.

"No, I just need some space." I respect her wishes and tell her to keep me posted.

An hour passes and Cam still has not returned. I start to get anxious.

"Ali, she hasn't come back yet." I tell her.

"Give her another hour, maybe she got lost in her thoughts." Ali responds.

Another hour passes. We told the whole team and everyone is getting worried. Where could she be. I don't have her location and she's not picking up the phone.

I get a text from Jake asking if I can call him. Why would Jake text me? I haven't talked to him since they released Cam from the hospital.  I decided to call him.


"Hi, Ashlyn. How have you been?" He asks.

"Hi, I'm holding up. How about yourself?" I answer.

"Holding up myself. Listen, I'm at a bar. I saw Cameron drinking by herself. I think she has had one too many. I tried to stop her and take her home, but she won't let me. She keeps mentioning how I left her alone in this world and not making any sense." What he said makes sense to me. She's probably thinking about Jacob. Wait, she's drinking?! Fuck.

"Can you send me the address?" I ask.

"I just sent it to you." He says within seconds.

"Thank you. Can you stay with her and make sure she's safe until we come?" I ask him knowing he'll probably stay.

"Of course. I got you Ashlyn." With that our phone call ends. I put the address in the GPS and it's only a seven minute walk.

I decided to text the team telling them I know where she is. I also text Ali, Kelley, and Pinoe to come with me to get her.

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