Chapter 22

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Ashlyn Harris POV

I'm worried for Cameron. She still seems to be in shock over the events, but I understand. When giving her statement, her demeanor changed. There was no tone in her voice as she was recalling the events, and I'm not going to lie, that scares me. I don't think I've ever seen her act like this. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear her grunt in pain.

"Why don't you let them give you something stronger?" I ask.

"You of all people? Why would you even ask that?" She snaps back. I'm taken aback by her tone.

"The doctors can give you doses in a controlled manner. I can see how much pain you are in." I reply calmly back.

"No. I'm fine." She says while she grimaces from the pain.

"Yeah you're totally fine." I say sarcastically. "This is different. The purpose of your use for the medication will be different."

"I'm not risking it, Ash. Pain is only temporary." I can't fight her anymore on this topic. She's in charge of her own decisions. I can only guide her as best I can.

"You said to the detective that you don't remember what happened after being shot, is that true?" Ali questions Cam.

"I really don't." Cam answers.

"You don't remember Jake or calling us?" Ali branches off her question.

"Who's Jake?" Wow, she really doesn't remember.

"So apparently another student named Jake found you and helped control your bleeding until help got there. When he was helping you, you kept mentioning how you wanted to talk to Ali and I so he called me." I reply. I see her eyes trying to remember.

I see recognition in her eyes. "Wait, I thought I dreamt all that."

"Not it was real, sweetie." Ali rubs Cam's leg.

"Jake looked so much like Jason, my old foster brother that died." Cam goes on, "Wow, I think Jacob's looking out for me up there. That's why I thought I dreamt it all. I even saw my family." That reminds me I need to update Jake on Cam as I pull out my phone and send him a quick text.

"Yeah, you told us that on the phone. It was probably your body entering shock mixed with the blood loss." Ali explains.

"I really thought I was going to die. When he killed Kasey, I was sure I was going to die next." Cameron looks me in the eye, but I don't see any emotion.

"But you are here and alive." I squeeze her hand.

"What time is it?" She asks, changing the subject.

"Almost midnight." Ali responds. "You should get some rest. We'll be right here."

"You guys won't leave me alone, right?" I see a fragile girl in her eyes as she asks that question.

"We will be with you the whole time. Just rest. We aren't going anywhere." With my comment, she slowly allows herself to fall asleep.

I feel Ali's eyes going from me to Cam. "We should get some sleep too." She says.

"She hasn't cried yet." I state.

"I don't think she has had time to process everything. In time, she'll feel things out and we'll be there for her" Ali says, calming my overthinking.

"You're right." I take a deep breath and lay back in my chair. As I see Ali's eyes droop and close, mine follow.

I'm startled awake from my sleep when I hear someone scream. I see Ali wake up scared and both our eyes turn to Cameron.

"No. No please stop. Don't hurt them." She mumbles in her sleep. I see her heart rate and blood pressure increase.

"Hushhh. It's okay, it's a dream." I say stroking her hair hoping she wakes up. She usually is awake by now if she has a nightmare, but this is different. She is still mumbling and I hear her breath frantically. I whisper sweet nothings hoping it calm her down and fortunately it does. She seems to calm down in her sleep, but that doesn't help me calm down.

"I thought she usually wakes up from nightmares?" Ali questions experiencing Cam's nightmares for the first time.

"She usually does. This is different." I question it too. "Maybe she's too exhausted for her body to even wake up." I say making an excuse. I look at the clock and it says it's only two in the morning. It's going to be a rough night I think to myself.


Cameron had a nightmare almost every hour last night. After the first one, she woke up to the rest of them. None of us got any sleep. When she woke up, Ali and I would take turns calming her down, and by the time she calmed down and fell asleep, she would have another one. Cameron was also in a lot of pain despite her saying she was fine as well which didn't help her.

The doctor came in and told us he's going to keep Cam here for another 3-5 days so they can keep an eye out for an infection post surgery. He said she should be back to playing in a few weeks, hopefully in time for our game against England.
Speaking of, England heard the news and reached out asking if we wanted to push the game back a few weeks in light of recent events. Thankfully coach accepted the offer. Having the game pushed back allowed for Pinoe, Mal, Kelley, Alex, and Tobin to catch a flight over to visit us before they have to go back to camp. We warned them that Cam has been unreadable and her emotions or lack of emotions in this case is just from her state of shock from what happened.

I truly appreciate your feedback. Thank you all for the support. Stay safe and happy.

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