Chapter 41

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Cameron Santiago POV

We all jump to head the ball.

As I jump, I feel my head redirect the ball outside the box. As I come down an elbow hits my tender abdomen catching me off guard. I end up tripping on someone as I go down, and tumble to the ground. I then feel someone step on my stomach with their cleat.

I hear the whistle signal the end of the game. Thank God because I don't think I can get up.

I roll on my stomach and clutch it. I try not to move after that. The pain is too immense. I feel hands touch me as people ask me to roll on my back, but I don't listen. I can't seem to catch my breath either.

"Move, give her space!" I make out O'Hara's voice. "We need the trainers."

"Cameron. Listen to me and tell me where it hurts, baby." I hear Ash tell me.

"Ughhhh," I can only grunt in pain.

"You need to roll on your back. I'm going to help you." I hear her say as she puts her hands on my back to turn me over.

"It hurts! Please no. No. Stop." I pant out.

"Okay, but you need to tell me where it hurts so we can help you." She tries to explain. "Did you hit your head?"

I shake my head. "No. Stomach." I manage to get out. "Winded."

"Hey Cameron, it's Alexis. Can you tell me where the pain is?" Alexis, the trainer says.

"I'm fine. I just need to catch my breath." I tell her. "I had the wind knocked out of me." I wasn't lying.

"Let them check out your abdomen, Cammy." Ash tells me as I watch her eyes look at my arm that's guarded around my torso.

"Let the trainers do their job, Cam." I look up and see Kelley looking concerned. She understands why I'm in so much pain.

I refuse. "No."

"Cameron stop being stubborn." Ali says. When did she get on the field?

"Just help me up." I say grunting and pulling myself to my knees.

I feel arms help me to my feet. I get dizzy and sway but I blame it on the lack of oxygen. Arms steady me and guide me off the field and through the tunnel to the locker rooms. I'm then sitting in a chair. I close my eyes trying to control the pain.

I open my eyes and swat a hand away as they reach to untuck my under shirt.

"Why are you so adamant about not wanting to be checked out. What are you hiding?" Ash tells me kneeling in front of me. She has Ali and Kelley by her side. I notice the rest of the team trying to eavesdrop into the conversation.

"Leave it, Ash." I firmly say through pain. "I'm not hiding anything."

"Tell them, Cameron." Kelley commands me.

"Shut up, Kelley. Don't." I shut her up.

"Don't what? What are you hiding?" Ash firmly says. I stand up from the chair trying to leave the conversation.

"If you don't tell them, I will." Kelley says. "I'm not arguing with you." I stare her down.

"Can one of you fucking tell us what's going on?" Ali says losing patience.

"Whatever she tells you, she's lying." I say talking about Kelley. I start walking away from them but before I can walk a couple of more steps, I stubble and feel myself falling.

Ali Krieger POV

Cameron walks away from our conversation go obviously in pain and I notice her unsteady. I go to follow her but she suddenly collapses. I'm able to catch her and I guide her to the floor. Thankfully there's a wall right next to us so I put her back against it.

"I'll go get the medics." I hear someone say.

She turns pale within seconds. I see her gag and before anyone can find anything to put under her mouth, she starts throwing up.

"Shit!" I curse. She throws up bright red blood. Something is really wrong. She throws up again and again. When she finishes, she can barely open her eyes.

"Cammy,"I tap her cheeks lightly. "You need to stay with us. Open your eyes."

"Yes, baby. There you go." Ash encourages Cam as we see her fighting to keep them open.

"You're going to be okay. You are going to be okay." I say but her eyes are unfocused and glazed over. I feel her begin to shake.

"Where are the medics?" Ash shouts.

"Ash, help me lay her down." We both guide the girl down to her side. We watch Cameron groan in pain with the slightest of movements.

"Cameron you stay with us, okay." I say watching her continue to fight to stay alert.

"I'm cold." Cameron shivers and says under a whisper.

"I know but help is here." I tell her as I hear people guide the medics to us.

"She hurt her abdomen in the game. She started throwing up blood a minute ago." I hear Kelley inform the medics.

"Let's put on her back for now." One of the medics says.

"Hi, Cameron. My name's Jasmine. I'm going to check your stomach." Jasmine tells a semi-conscious Cameron.

"N-no." Cam refuses even in her fragile state. What is this girl not telling us?

"Yes, Cameron. We are going to let Jasmine check you out." I say to her making sure I used a tone that made sure she didn't argue back. I nod at the medic to continue her assessment. She pulls out a pair of scissors and cuts away at Cam's jersey and turtleneck undershirt so she's left with her sports bra.

I hear gasps from everyone including myself.  All I see are bruises around her entire torso. They don't look like they could be from this game. What scares me the most are the handprints around her neck. I look at Cam's eyes and see tears streaming down her face.

"Shhh it's okay. We'll talk about it later. Don't worry we'll get you fixed up first before anything. We'll talk about it when you're healthy." I try to calm her down knowing she's scared of what me or Ash are going to say and react.

"Zach, she has a distended abdomen. It looks like internal bleeding. She's also going into shock. We need to go now." Jasmine tells her partner. She then applies an oxygen mask to Cameron's face and soon they have her on the stretcher.

"I'm coming with you. I'm family." I tell them before they can argue. They don't and I'm in the ambulance with Cameron as Zach speeds to the hospital.

"Hey, hey don't close your eyes." Jasmine tells Cameron.

"Talk to me, Cameron." I tell her. "Tell me about the game." I say trying to keep her alert and conscious.

"I'm s-sorry." I see her try to apologize.

"We aren't doing this right now Cameron. Keep your eyes open and talk to be about the game."

"I-I was-s going t-to fight a-a bitch." She gasps the words out eventually. I knew exactly who she was talking about.

"I saw. Ash and the team stopped you." I chuckle remembering the drama on the field.

"I don't feel so good." I see her gag and this time Jasmine manages to get a vomit bag under her mouth. I take it from her and hold it for Cam. She's just throwing up more blood. As she leans back into the stretcher after throwing up her eyes begin to shut.

"No. Cameron, stay awake. Come on wake up," I say with tears in my eyes. The next few minutes are blur. The medic is pushing stuff through Cam's IV and asking me about Cam's medical history. I answered her question and soon we arrived at the hospital. They immediately take Cameron to a CT scan and a nurse pulls me aside trying to calm me down by telling me the doctors are going to help her.

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