Chapter 50

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Cameron Santiago POV

I don't know what's happening. I feel like the Mr. Krab meme where everything is spinning and he is so scared and confused. I came to camp expecting it to be what it normally was. I ended up getting a new roommate, Kelley ignored me, Kelley started being a bully, and then had the audacity to express her love for me. There are so many emotions running through my mind right now.

Do I even have feelings for Kelley O'Hara? I never had thought of her more than a friend. I never thought of any girl more than a friend. Was she beautiful? Yes. Am I beyond pissed at her? Yes. Was I serious when I said our friendship was done? Yes.

For the next few days, I chose to ignore her and the whole situation.We left our problems off the field and when we had team bonding, we stayed away from each other. Ashlyn told me that she told Kelley, I needed space. It's the night before our full last day of camp and I'm laying in bed thinking of everything. I know I can't leave without telling Kelley how much she hurt me. She's been texting me everyday sending apologies and just wants to talk things out.

As I lay in bed wide awake, I decide to text her knowing she's probably sleeping. I told her I'll be on the roof if she wants to talk now is the time. I'm surprised when my phone dings saying she'll be there in 10 minutes.
I get out of bed and wear my favorite hoodie and sweats and head to the elevator. I open the door to the roof and feel the cool breeze flowing in LA. I make my way towards the edge and dangle my feet as I sit down.

"Aren't you a little close to the edge?" A voice takes me out of my thoughts.

"Look at you talking to me like a decent human being." I snapped at her.

"I'm guessing you're still upset."

"Upset is an understatement, O'Hara." I shake my head.

"Can you not sit that close to the edge, it's giving me anxiety. Come over here." O'Hara states a couple of feet behind me. I listen and make my way over and find a cement block to sit on. She sits two feet in front of me. We just stare at each other not knowing what to do or say.

"I'm really sorry." Kelley starts.

"Kelley, you broke me." I see her heart break from my words. "I've never felt so attacked by someone I care for. You hurt me."

"I didn't mean to. Things just erupted and I wasn't thinking. I tried to push you away because my feelings for you were a lot. I didn't want to ruin the friendship."

"But look at where we are. Our friendship is ruined. I don't know if our friendship can ever be the same. I don't know if I can trust you with anything. You don't understand. The fact you brought up my insecurities and used them against me once means that you are capable of doing it again."I tear up recalling the events.

"Cameron, I promise I won't ever try to hurt you intentionally. You don't understand the regret I have and how much I'm beating myself up over it. I'm so sorry. Our friendship means a lot to me as it means to you."

"I really don't know, Kelley. I can't just forgive you and trust you again."

"We can go slowly. I know I have to earn your trust back and I am willing to fight. Our friendship is one of the best things to have happened in my life. I don't know what I would do if I lost you because I was being stupid." I can see she genuinely wants to make up for everything. She fidgets with her sleeve as she waits for my reply.

"It's going to take some time. It's going to be hard. I don't think I'll ever forget what you said and how you made me feel. But I think with time, our friendship may get better. I'll be able to forgive you eventually." I'm honest with her.

"I can accept that. Let's head back to bed before we can't wake up in the morning." She gets up and she walks me to my room. "Thank you for speaking to me again."

With that I nod and go into my room not trying to wake up Sonnet.

"Did you guys make up?" A small voice under the covers from Sonnet's bed says.

"Why are you awake?" I laugh.

"I wanted to make sure you got back to the room. So you didn't answer my question." She peaks her head from under the blanket.

"Well if you must know, we are on the path of making up."

"Good, now go to sleep. I don't want to waste time trying to get you up." She jokes.

"Me? I'm always the first one up and usually have to wake you up. Whatever, Emily. Goodnight." I laugh it off.

"Goodnight, Cameron."

This is probably the WORST chapter I have ever written and no matter how many times I tried, it came out like shit. But how y'all feel the ship name to be O'Cam or Kelron.
Love you all,

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