Chapter 15

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Cameron Santiago POV

I'm heading back from Jason's funeral. Abigail texted me this morning saying her foster parents were going to take her to the funeral and asked if I wanted a ride. I didn't refuse. I needed closure. I couldn't help but think that could've been me the entire service. My eyes were bloodshot from crying. He was the closest thing I had to an older brother in the foster system. I would protect Abigail and he would protect me. I guess nobody protected him at the end of the day. He found an outlet for his pain but now that caused him to no longer be on this planet. I don't usually get emotional, but this hits home for me. It also reminds me of my family. Any funeral reminds me of the day I had to bury my whole family. It reminds me of the tragic moments leading to their death. There are so many emotions and thoughts running through my mind right now.
I give Abigail a hug and thank her foster parents for the ride as we pull up to the Krashlyn household. I take a deep breath as I walk up the pavement to the house. I have no idea what's waiting for me behind closed doors. I left after my fight with Ash. I am angry with her but I also just want to give her a hug. I want her to hold me and tell me everything's going to be okay. I don't want her to be angry.

"Where were you?" I hear Ash as I make my way to her line of view from the living room. I'm not sure if I should answer her question.

"Uh." Is the only thing I can only get out.

"You had me and Ali very worried. Please don't run off without saying where you are going and who you are going with. So do you want to tell us where you have been?" Ash tells me as I keep my head down.

"Have you been crying?" Ali asks me and I feel the waterworks begin again.

"No, no don't cry. I'm sorry I pushed you so hard this morning." Ash apologizes but it's not just the fight this morning that caused me to be emotional. I see her take a step forward to embrace me and I can't hold back my tears anymore. As soon as she puts her arms around me, I break down silently sobbing. I feel my legs give out under me as the emotions just take over. Ash felt me going down and decided to pick me up and take me to the couch.

"You're okay. Shhhh I've got you. Let it all out. Take your time and let it out." She repeats as she sits me by her side. I also feel Ali holding my leg and rubbing her thumb over it to bring me comfort. Ali is sitting on the floor next to me. We stay in our positions for a little over fifteen minutes until I finally feel calmed down. I feel them waiting for me to be okay.

"I went to a funeral today." I burst out.

"What? Why didn't you tell us? We would've gone with you." Ali speaks sadly and calmly. I just shrug my shoulders in response.

"Who's was it?" Ash asks.

"Old foster brother. He overdosed." After I say that I feel Ali and Ash hold their breath. "And I just can't help but think that could've been me six feet underground if I didn't make the choices I did. It also brought back memories of my family. Why can't I just have a day where life isn't a bitch to me." I let out frustratingly.

"I'm so sorry for your loss. We are here for you." Ali consoles me.

"Life is a bitch, but I thank it everyday for leading you back into my life. You've been through a lot and I know it's hard, but this is only another reminder of how strong you are." Ash says as she pulls me tighter into her.

"I'm scared that one day I'm going to get tired of being strong." I admit.

"And that's the day you come to me or Ali to hold you up. We will always make sure you'll be okay. But you have been a fighter since the day I met you, so take it one day at a time." Ash says but I hear the concern in her voice.

"Whatever you need we got you, beautiful." Ali adds on.

"I think I need to leave Florida early." I say without thinking. "It's opening old wounds and bringing me back to the old days. I really thought I would be able to get through a week here, but it's only the second day and everything is happening. I don't want to know what a week has in store for me here." 

"How about the fact it's only the second day we wait it out one more day. Today has been a full on day, so how about we make a decision tomorrow." Ali tries to compromise.

Ali Krieger POV

"Okay. I'm going to shower and I'll be back." She says accepting the compromise.

As soon as Cameron told us she wanted to leave early, I could see the hurt flash across Ash's eyes. The thought of Cam not wanting to be in Florida because of her past made Ash feel bad. I know because I feel the same thing. We pushed her to come here and now she's suffering.

"We forced her to come. We begged." I said out loud.

"I know. I feel terrible knowing she's not having a good time. She was supposed to come here for a distraction, but instead is reminded of her past." Ash says too.

We sit there in silence knowing this kid is in pain. She's been holding it together, but to see her breakdown was something else. It broke my heart. The way her knees buckled as soon as Ash wrapped her arms around her. Going to a funeral and being reminded of her old life and family. That's too much for a kid.

"I'm going to go to the store and get some snacks for us. Have a girls night in." Ash says getting up. Knowing her, she needs to leave the house so she can deal with her emotions. It helps clear her head.

"That's fine. I'll look out for her." I say and then give Ash a kiss on the cheek.

"Call me if you need anything."

"I promise I will." And with that Ash heads out leaving me alone with Cameron.

About a fifteen minutes later, Cameron finally reappears. I explained to her where Ash went and she sat next to me on the sofa as we waited for her to return.

"Want me to braid your hair?" I offer and she just gives me this look like she's shocked.

"I mean if you want to?" She stutters back.

"Only if you are comfortable with me doing it. I used to do my cousin's hair for her games." I say and she gets off her seat and sits right in front of me. I saw a flash of innocence in her eyes as she made her way down. She's had nobody to take care of her and show her love since her family passed away, so I decided this would be a good way to give her some of that love.

I do a quick french braid and she runs over to the mirror.

"Wait I love this!" Cam exclaims and runs back over to hug me. "Thank you, Ali!"

"You're welcome kid." I hug back. She then returns to her spot next to me.

I think even though this kid has been on her own for a while, she needs that adult guidance and love in her life. She's innocent and strong, but she needs to be able to have people to fall back on. I have just met this kid a couple of weeks ago and she stole my heart. I can only imagine what she did with Ash's heart.
I think Cameron wants the warmth of love and is comforted when she has it. I've noticed how she relaxes when she's in someone's embrace. She lets her barriers come down. She needs it. Right now, I can feel her shift closer and closer to me as we watch our show. Next thing I know, she has her head in my lap. I put my hand on her shoulder and just rub small circles. She seems so small at this moment. I don't want her to leave.

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