Chapter 34

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Ashlyn Harris POV

These past few weeks have been rough to say the least. Between Cameron and Ali's emotional aftermath, taking care of their needs was difficult. Seeing Ali weak makes my heart. She's always been the tough one in the relationship. She held us together, but thankfully she's been talking to Dr. Lauren Scott. She's dealing with it and I couldn't be more grateful that she accepted the help. Cameron, on the other hand, has been isolating herself and denying the fact she needs help. She's not the old Cam we all once knew. She's short tempered and keeps to herself. Thank God Pinoe and Kelley stayed with us in the house. Their presence was good emotional support.

Now we are back in LA for another camp. The change of scenery should be good for everyone. I texted our teammates in advance about taking things easy on Ali and Cameron and not mention the incident. I told them they were okay and not to take things personally if something happens.

"Push up! Push up!" I shout at the back line as we do a light scrimmage. People aren't taking this scrimmage as they usually do. Everyone is playing at a slow pace and Ali and Cam are distracted and playing all over the place. 

The whistle blows signalling us to stop our play and I see a not very satisfied Vlatko ready to say something.

"What is going on with your guys! Take a seven minute break. When you guys get back, I want to see a different paced game." Coach exclaims. Little does he know that Ali is exhausted from having nightmares all night and Cameron is not even focused on the game. There's too much going on with her. Cameron and Kelley's dynamic is non-existent on the field today which shows how much their dynamic helps the team. If it's not there, there's a lack in pace in the play.

The scrimmage rebegins and things get worse. Ali is allowing players to get past her. I'm worried for her that I lost focus and let a few balls enter the net that could've been easily stopped. The back line is trying to pick up Ali's lack of game. Our front line is taking it easy when it comes to Cameron who is on the opposing team. That's when it happened. Pinoe takes the ball and decides to make a break towards Cam's team's goal. Cameron was right behind her and took Pinoe down with a dirty slide tackle.

"What the fuck, Cameron." I could hear Pinoe from across the field.

"Cameron, get over here!" Coach calls her over. "What is wrong with you? That was beyond reckless! We could've been down a player because you can't control yourself. Get your act together or you're benched for the next game."

I see her not listening to a word he is telling her.

"Get off the field. You are done for the day!" I think he noticed the lack of care in her face. She just heads into the locker room.

A few minutes later, the Coach gets beyond frustrated with our playing and just ends practice early. This isn't a great way to start our first day at camp.

As we head to the locker room to grab our things, I hear a locker open and slam shut repeatedly. We look and see Cameron beating the shit out of the locker.

"Cameron, stop." I walk up to her trying to get her attention. She continues anyway. "Cammy, relax. Take some deep breaths."  I wrap my arms around her trying to bring her back to reality.

She manages to wriggle out of my grasp, grabs her backpack, and heads out without a word.
I sigh.

We head over to the bus and I don't see Cam on it. I think Ali notices and decides to tell me.

"Cameron decided to run back to the hotel."

"And you just let her?" I ask her. "Remember what happened last time we let her go by herself?"

"Yes, Ashlyn I do remember." Ali looks at me. "Kelley offered to run back with her. She said she'll make sure she doesn't do anything stupid."

"Sorry, I was just worried. She means a lot to us and I just want her to get better. It's frustrating not being able to be there for her or not knowing where her head is at." 

"Me too, Ash. I get it." I lean my head against her shoulder.

"Damn she's going to run eight miles to the hotel after a tough practice." I chuckle trying to lighten our mood.

"O'Hara finally has someone as crackheaded as she is when it comes to energy. Hopefully the run tires them both out." Ali chuckles back.

How are you all holding up, generally speaking? What do you guys want to see happen in this story? I'll be more than happy to try to include it. Thank you all for reading.

Much love,

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