Chapter 25

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Ali Krieger POV

I meet up with Ash in the lobby of the hotel. She texted Kelley and Pinoe to come with to pick Cam up. When they met us we started our way out of the hotel as Ash led us.

"Where is she?" I ask her.

"At a bar." She responds disappointingly.

We eventually reach the bar and Ash and Pinoe talk to Jake as Kelly and I make our way to Cameron. Wait. What's Jake doing here?

My focus turns on Cam as I see the bartender slide her a filled shot glass. Kelley snatches from the table before Cam could even grab it.

"What the h-" Cam slurs, wandering who snatched her drink. As she looks up and spots me and Kelley, she curses to herself. "Fuuuuck."

"What do you think you're doing?" Kelley questions her.

"None of your business." Cam responds.

"Hey, we are trying to help you. Watch your tone." I say. She has been spiralling since the shooting. We have tried to help her but this is just too much.

"I don't want help. Just leave me alone." Cam says as she tries to grab the shot glass back but Kelley is quick to stop her.

"What about your sobriety?" I turn and see Ash right behind me. "You're just going to throw all your hard work down the drain?'

"I don't see the point anymore." Cam says now staring back at Ash.

"So you just want to give up?" Ash asks. "I told you Ali and I will pick you up whenever you feel like you can't handle things."

"It's too much. The nightmares, the memories, the pain, it's all just too much. I can't sleep without reliving my family's death. If it's not that, it's watching Kasey get shot. I'm tired. I'm so tired of it all." What Cam says shatters my heart.

"But alcohol isn't the answer, sweetie. You know that." I bend down to her level and grab her hand. She looks down shamefully.

"Did I disappoint you guys?" I see tears form in her eyes. Her emotions have been all over the place  since the shooting. But I also blame it on the booze tonight.

"I'm sooo sorry." She says when Ash nods to her question. "That's the last thing I wanted to do." She slurs and lets the tears fall.

"I know. I know." I say and rub her back. "How about we head back to the hotel?" Cam nods.

"Are you able to walk?" Pinoe asks.

"I think so." Cam says getting up. As soon as she gets up she sways and stumbles. She reassures us that she got it but we all stick close not believing her. Ash took care of the bill and caught up with us but we didn't go far due to Cam's stumbling. Cameron didn't want help and insisted she could get back on her own.

Three minutes into the walk back, Cam ends up on her knees, throwing up all over the road.

"Nastyyy." Kelley states and Pinoe slaps her arm.

Ash is rubbing Cam's back and I hold her hair from falling in her face. When she is done we go to help her stand up, but her legs give out right under her. Ash decides to just pick her up in bridal style and Cam tries to tell her to put her down but Ash is having none of it. We get back to the hotel and quickly take her to our room.

"I need to be sick again." Cam says as Ash takes her to the bathroom and lowers her next to the toilet. When she is done emptying the contents in her stomach, she leans back into Ash and whispers. "I wish I died."

As soon as she says that me and Ash look at each other terrified by her words. I don't think she realizes she said it outloud. We quickly changed her clothes, watching out for her sling, and put her in bed.

"Thanks mommy." Cam really is out of it. Within a few minutes she's lightly snoring and Ash and I have a talk.

"We are getting her professional help tomorrow." I say.

"I really didn't think she would break her sobriety." Ash stated. I nod.

"She's been through a lot and I just think this was the breaking point. Did you hear how she revealed what her nightmares were about? You were right about her family."

"I hope she's able to talk about it." Ash says.

"What was Jake doing there?" I question.

"Apparently he lives out here in LA. He recognized her and called me. That's how I knew where she was." With that we change our own clothes and head to bed.

Cameron Santiago POV

I wake up with a killer headache. I start to remember glimpses of the night.

"Shiiit." I open my eyes to find Ash and Ali cuddled and asleep with each other on their bed. I run to the bathroom and throw up which relieves me a bit. I brush my teeth and shower feeling gross. I return back and see them still asleep, but I also spot Advil and a bottle of water on my counter that I must've overlooked. One of them probably placed it for me knowing the results of the night.

I decide to head downstairs to have some breakfast and meet up with Kelley waiting for the elevator.

"Good morning." She says. "How do you feel this morning?"

"Hungover as expected. I want to apologize for last night. It shouldn't have happened in the first place." I hurry to get out. She just hugs me in return.

"I just want you to be okay." She says as we walk out of the elevator.

"I'm going to get help. I need to." I truly do need help. Waking up and reminding myself of how bad the way I am dealing with things, opened my eyes.

"I know somebody in the area while we are here that can help you. She's an old friend of mine. I can call her and set you an appointment if you want."

"That would be great. Thanks, Kel." We grab our food and sit at a table with Pinoe and Mal. I also text Krashlyn that I went to eat breakfast so they don't freak out when they don't find me in the room. They need the extra sleep.

All my in class classes became online and they all start today. My professors are giving us more work than we would have to keep the students "busy." My apologizes that I may not have time to update as frequently as I have been doing.
Wish you all the best,

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