Chapter 47

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Ashlyn Harris POV

"How can she be so irresponsible?" Cameron questioned out loud. As Cam and I finish retelling the night to Ali.

"She made a mistake." Ali tries to answer.

"A mistake that could have cost her life!" Cam exclaims.

"Has she ever mentioned taking things?" I ask.

"She only smoked weed and maybe took adderall here and there, but this is new." Cam explains. "She knows better. What the fuck was she thinking?"

I see how much this is bothering her. From what I know, Abigail is a little sister in Cameron's eyes. Cameron has this protectiveness when it comes to Abigail. Almost like a mama bear.

"How'd you know all the diabetic stuff?" Ali mentioned trying to calm Cam's frustrations.

"When I was in a foster home with Jason, she came in so young so we took her under our wing. She wouldn't talk much and was very timid. Slowly she began to trust us when we showed her we would protect her. The big step in her trust in us was when she took everything out and explained and showed us what her diabetes was. She broke everything down for us in case of emergencies. We can't just be dialing 911 every time, it would be suspicious and make our situation worse with the foster parents. The family wouldn't always feed us so me and Jason hid half of our meals and juice in case she had a hypoglycemic episode which happened often. There were a few times she had high blood sugar and couldn't give herself the insulin so me or Jason would have to give her it." Cameron looks zoned out explaining the memory.

"You did good." I rest my hand on her leg. "And thank you for waking me up. I'm proud of you."

"I don't want her falling for the same shit I went through. She's so much better than me. She has so much potential and a bright future." Cameron leans forward and puts her head in her hands.

"We can talk to her in the morning. Let's get some sleep." Ali suggests.

"Do you want to sleep in our room?" I ask.

"I'm going to sleep next to Abby in case she gets up and is confused." With that we say our goodnights and head to our rooms.

Cameron Santiago POV

I spent most of the night staring at the ceiling and listening to Abigail's even breathing. I couldn't bring myself to think if something worse had happened to her or if I wasn't there to help her. She's my little sister.

"Cam?" I'm drawn from my thoughts as I see Abigail staring at me from where she lays.

"Hi, it's me." I whisper.

"What happened? Where am I?" She questions.

"What do you remember?" I try to see how much she remembers.

"Snuck out and went to a frat party. Met some people who gave me something to get me off edge. I don't remember anything else." She says.

"You called me at some point completely incoherent repeating that you took something and to help you. Me and Ash went and picked you up from the party, gave you a cold shower, and put you to bed. Abby, you also were hyperglycemic. I had to give you insulin." I explain how her night was from my point of view.

"What? I'm so sorry, Cammy. I don't know what happened." She sits up in bed and I do the same.

"Is this what you do now? Go to parties and get drugged out?" I question her. "It's stupid and dangerous, especially with your diabeties."

"I know, but I was just experimenting."

"No, Abigail. You can't just go taking whatever you want and call it experimenting. You know first hand what addiction could do. Do you see what happened to Jason? If I didn't get help when I did, I would be with Jason right now. Drugs aren't something to experiment with. What if I was off at camp or a game? You could have been raped or dead." I tell her straight up.

"I know. Last night was bad. I think it's a wake up call. I wanted to take the edge off and things just got ugly," Abby tells me.

"Promise me you'll stop. If you need professional help, I can help you get it if you need it. You are too good to be getting hooked to anything. Jason wouldn't want to see you like you were last night. Please promise me you'll stop." I beg her.

"I promise, Cammy. Please forgive me." I see her start to cry.

"I forgive you. Listen no matter the time or day, if things get hard you call me. I don't want you going down a dark road." She nods and I embrace her in a hug. We sit there for a good amount of time before she breaks the silence.

"I need to head back before my foster parents wake up." She says looking at the clock which says 6am.

"I'll drive you." With that we get ready and head out.

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