Chapter 28

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Cameron Santiago POV

My university closed for the rest of the semester. There are no new camps until a few weeks from now. Some of the team thought it would be a good idea to go on vacation. That's where I am now. We decided to just head back to Florida and crash at Krashlyn's place.

"Cameron, so tell us. Are you dating anyone?" Kelley asks as we all sit in the backyard.

"I am. Why? You trying to get some of this?" I wink at her.

"Wait, you're in a relationship? With who?" Ash questions me, surprised. The other girls are as curious to know.

"His name is Sebastian. I met him when I got to Stanford. He's an international student from Australia." I explain.

"Keep going." Pinoe says.

"Ahaha, we met at a frat party. We were both designated drivers so we built a connection from that one thing that night. We talked for hours but it was nothing superficial. It was a genuine conversation. We exchanged numbers that night and now it's been about two years since we began dating."

"Why have you never mentioned him?" Ash asks.

"Nobody asked. I also keep it lowkey. I'm not the one to flaunt my relationship everywhere." She nods at my response understandingly.

"You have pictures?" Ali clasps her hands together eagerly.

"Indeed I do." I pull out my phone and try to find the most recent photo of us. My phone passes around the girls and I get compliments about how he is cute.

"He treats you well?" Ash says.

"Calm yourself. I know you're protective but you'd be glad to know he treats me like a queen. He respects and loves me." I say.

"Hey I just want to make sure nobody treats you wrong." Ash defends herself.

"I'm with Ash. Let anyone treat you wrong and I'll keep them a taste of their own medicine."Ali backs Ash up. Honestly people are intimidated by Ash, but Ali is the one they should worry about.

"Hell, the whole team has your back." Kelley says.

I sit back and chuckle. Everyone around me is so supportive and loving. I look back at recent weeks to now. My life is finally chilling out. Therapy has actually been helping me out. I have had less nightmares and no panic attacks since the first one after the England match. Things feel like what they should be.

"Anyone want any more beer or wine?" I ask around getting up to get another glass of water. Only Pinoe, Mal, Kelley, and Ali want some.

"I'll give you a hand." Sonnet says walking to the kitchen with me.

"Saucy Sonnet, how have you been doing?" I ask. I haven't really had a chance to build a bond with Sonnet like the others, but she seems great to be around.

"Not bad. Love it down here in Florida taking a break from everything. How about yourself?" She smiles and replies.

"I feel that. My life is finally getting back on track. Taking things day by day." I say going to the fridge to get some drinks. As I close the fridge, I look out the window, and I swear I saw Jacob. I blinked my eyes and he disappeared. I better not be going crazy I think to myself.

"You good? You zoned out there." Sonnet chuckles looking a little concerned.

"Yea, just thought I saw something, but my eyes are playing tricks on me." I chuckle it off.

"Let's head back before they think we did something to their drinks. They always think I'm up to no good." Sonnet laughs. She has a point. They always think she's going to prank them.


It's been about two weeks since we've been in Florida. All the girls left except Kelley and Pinoe. We all just have been chilling and enjoying each other's company. We all bonded and have become so close. Pinoe is one of Ash's best friends and Kelley has become one of mine from the team.

Kelley, Pinoe, and Ash left to pick up some groceries a couple of minutes ago. Ali and I decided to stay home. Those three are the pickiest of eaters so it was best to send them as me and Ali can eat anything. As we sit and play with Logan, the doorbell rings and Ali goes to answer it.

"Jake what are you doing here in Florida?" I hear Ali say to the person at the door. Jake? The guy who saved me?

"I'm visiting a couple of family members and taking care of some things. . I told Ash I'm in the area and she sent me your address." He says.

"Oh okay, come on in." I see Ali a little hesitant but she welcomes him in.

"Hi, my name is Jake." He says and sticks out his hand.

"Cameron." I smile back and shake his hand. No wonder I keep thinking he's Jacob, he looks identical to him.

"Lovely home you guys got."

"Thank you." Ali responds as we go to the living room to sit.

"How have you been?" He asks me.

"All healed up and alive thanks to you." I thank him.

"I want to keep this visit nice and short." Jake says. "You don't recognize me, Cameron?"

"No." I say confused. "You look just like my old foster brother but I know you're not him."

"My name is Jake Rossi." He smirks. Wait, that last name is so familiar. "My father was John Rossi."

How could I forget a name that has haunted me for years?

First off I want to say thank you for everyone supporting and enjoying this book. Your comments and votes don't go unnoticed.

Secondly, I hope you liked this calm chapter because the storm is about to arrive.

Stay healthy and safe,

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