Chapter 16

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Ashlyn Harris POV

Last night when I came back from grocery shopping, I unlocked the door to my house and entered a beautiful sight. My wife and Cameron were cuddled on the sofa watching a show. It warms my heart to know that Cameron and Ali work well with each other. I worried at first that Cameron may be hesitant opening up to someone who isn't me, but I now worry less. I see Cam trusting Ali and Ali's motherly instincts coming out every now and then. I was talking to Ali last night when we all went to bed. We want to be Cameron's parental figures. Whether it be adoption or not, we want her to know we will always be there watching out for her and loving her.


"Happy Birthday, Cam!" Ali and I say simultaneously as we see her make her way to the kitchen.

"How'd you know?" She looks at us confused.

"You didn't think I would forget did you?" I smirk back.

"When did you have time to bake a cake?" She gives me and Ali a look.

"Why all these questions and not a thank you, Ali. Thank you, Ash." I make my way to her side.

"I'm just in shock. Thank you, guys." She hugs us.

"21. Officially an adult. Feel any different?" Ali asks her.

"Nope. Just blessed to live another healthy year." Cameron smiles.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask and her face shows me she has an answer but she shakes it away. "What is it?"

"Nothing," she chuckles it off.

"No seriously, whatever you want." She gives me the look again debating if she should say it or not.

"You know how I haven't been to Florida since I left. Do you mind if I take a trip somewhere?" Cam nervously paces as she asks.

"You are going to have to elaborate just a little more." I try to get her to open up about her plans a little more.

"I want to see my family. If you don't mind, I can just take your car." That was definitely not what I had in mind. But I don't mind whatsoever.

"We can go with you if you'd like?" Ali asks.

"Really?" Cam's eyes light up but then dim down again. "I know it's morbid. I don't want you to go just because you feel bad for me-"

"Really." I cut her off from her rambling session.

With that we sing her happy birthday and make our way to our rooms to pack for a day trip that could turn into an overnight trip. We are on the road within an hour. I would take Cameron to the moon if I could. I'm happy she opened up about what she actually wanted. I know it was probably hard for her. I look in the rear view mirror as I drive and see Cameron in deep thought. There's probably so many emotions and thoughts running through her mind. I would be quiet too.

"When's the last time you visited them?" I break her out of her thoughts.

"Since their funeral, so it's been a while." She says quietly.

"Why so long, if you don't mind answering?" Ali questions.

"When they died, the foster parents I lived with usually didn't let me leave the house unless it was to school. The cemetery was also far from all the foster homes I lived in. It was like the universe didn't want me to go." Cam explains and goes back to her thoughts.

I turn my head to Ali and we make eye contact. This trip is going to be an emotional one and we start to prepare knowing we have to be strong for her. The fact that she hasn't visited her family in so long makes me sad. I hope she gets what she wants out of this trip.

After our two and a half hour drive we finally made it to the city where the cemetery is. I had Ali lookup flower shops near where the cemetery is when we stopped at one of our pit stops. I decided that it would be a nice gesture and knowing how Cameron is, she would love the idea.

"Hey, Cam. We are going to make a quick stop at the flower shop, so we can pick some up." I say as I pull into the parking spot.

"Thank you, Ash. I was going to ask, but figured you driving me all the way here was more than enough." Cam says getting out of the car.

"Listen to me Cameron." I stop and make her face me. "You can always ask me or Ali for anything. I know it has just been you for a while, but we are here."

I see her contemplating her next words, "I know. I'm trying but it's just going to take time."

"Take all the time you need?" Ali says squeezing her hand. "Now let's go inside and pick out some flowers."

Cameron Santiago POV

We just bought a handful of flowers and are walking to my family's tombstone. I don't know how I feel. I really don't. Ever since they died, I just prayed they would hear me when I would talk to them at night. I would talk to them and update them on my life whenever I had a chance, but this feels surreal. Ali and Ash went to sit on a bench and give me my privacy, but they made sure I stayed in their line of sight. I start off by placing three flowers on each of their stones. I then kneel on the grass right in the middle of the four of them.

"Hi guys. Long time no talk. I'm sorry I haven't been updating you on my life as frequently as I once did. Life is hard, very hard. I don't know how I am still alive. It was my fault you guys died. I'm so sorry. I should've died that night with you guys. There were so many opportunities where life could have just ended me, but look at where I am. I know you guys are proud of me. I know each of you are watching out for me. You are my guardian angels. I reunited with Ashlyn. Mom, you'd like her. She treats me as if I was her daughter. Her wife, Ali, treats me as if I was her child too. They both give me so much love. They give me as much love as you all once gave me. But I'm scared. I'm scared something is going to happen and I'm going to lose them like I lost you guys. I don't think I could handle anymore loss in my life. It hurts me everyday when something happens and I just want to run home and tell you guys about my day or what happened, but then remember I can't. It hurts that I can't hug you mom and dad. It hurts that I can't play soccer and joke around with you Sarah and Danny. I sometimes wish I died that night."

At this point I have tears streaming down my face. God I miss them so much. I just feel overwhelmed with emotion.

"I have nightmares every night. They are flashbacks to that night. Most of the time I'm woken up by them. Ash wants me to talk about them, but I can't bring myself to recall that day. Whenever it pops in my head, I push the thoughts and memories away. Reliving it every night is enough. That's the night when my life completely changed. That's when I had to learn to be by myself for the first time ever. My heart has never been the same. On a brighter note, it has made me become the woman I am now. You all would be proud of me. I play for the U.S. National Soccer Team. My teammates are amazing and supportive. I guess I needed to get past all these detours to reach where I am now. That's pretty much how life has been. I want to say I love you guys so much."

I then just sit there in silence. My thoughts running through my head as I let the tears out. I don't know how long I was sitting there, but I feel someone place a jacket over my shoulders. I don't know if I am shaking from crying or the cool weather tonight. I also didn't realize the sun went down. I feel Ali and Ash sitting on either side of me. They silently console me and we just sit there a little bit more. I know they are waiting for me to let them know when I am ready to go. They don't want to make me feel rushed. That's why I respect and love them so much. They let me feel everything out.

A few minutes later, I take a deep breath, "I think I'm ready." I say getting up and Ali wraps me in her arms as we walk to the car in silence. 

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