Chapter 10

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Cameron Santiago POV

"Cam, sweetie, time to wake up." I hear someone waking me up. I groan and open my eyes to see Ash and the nurse at the side of the bed. Fuck. I forgot I was in the hospital. I feel so drained, but I don't expect anything different. I haven't feared my life like that in a long time. To see everyone freaking out and not be able to reassure them was frustrating. I saw the fear in Ash's eyes as she used her calm voice to tell me things when I was in and out of it. I felt Kelley stroking my hair to try and comfort me. Ali had this look like she just wanted to fix me but didn't know how. Things kept going in and out of focus as the reaction took over. My thoughts are interrupted when my nurse starts talking.

"Good news. You are able to go home in a few minutes. I just have a few papers you need to sign and you are free." The nurse states. "I'm just going to remove all these stickers from your chest and you can get dressed."

A few minutes later I am dressed, and call the nurse and Ash back to tell them I am ready. According to hospital policy, I have to be taken out in a wheelchair. I kept insisting that I was fine to walk out, but the nurse refused. Soon the wheelchair finally arrived and I was being wheeled out. Ali and Kelley were outside waiting for the Uber when they saw me.

"I'm so glad you are okay now!" I get a hug from Kelley. "Girl you almost made me die."

"Try being on your death bed." I chuckle, but nobody laughs. "Too soon?" 

They all just shake their heads. Tough crowd.

Soon the Uber arrives and I am sandwiched in the back between Ali and Ash while Kelley gets shotgun. I feel myself falling asleep as soon as we make our way back. I feel my head dropping, but I do my best to stay awake. An arm wraps around me and Ali guides me against her body. My head rests against her shoulder and I am out like a light.

"Hey kid, we're back at the hotel." I feel someone stir me awake. I made my way out of the car, but as soon as I got out, I began to sway. The tiredness consuming my body and a set of arms hold me up right.

"You okay?" Ash asks concerned as she holds my shoulders.

"I'm just so tired." I say trying to blink the sleep away.

"It's been a long day. How about you hop on my back and I'll carry you to your room." I would decline her offer, but I am just too exhausted to function. She bent down and I hopped onto her back. I drifted off asleep again. Whatever medication they gave me mixed with exhaustion is really draining. I'm woken up by arms laying me onto my bed, but I keep my eyes closed. My shoes and socks are taken off. I hear Ash tell me she's going to put me in shorts and a T-shirt and I just hum in response. She then proceeds to wrap in the blanket. She squeezes my hand and whispers a goodnight. I hold onto her hand and without thinking I am asking her to stay.

Ashlyn Harris POV

"Stay." Cam says as she holds my hand.

"I'm not going anywhere. Let me change and I'll be right back." I squeeze her hand.

"Promise?" She asks. She is so tired that she's letting her guard down. She's in such a fragile state. It reminds me of the times I took care of her in rehab. It makes me think about how she survived this long on her own without anybody. I feel so bad, but she now has me and the team by her side.

"I promise, Cammy."

I go back to my room with Ali and change into shorts and a shirt. Kelley, Ali, and I thought it was best for Kelley to sleep in my room with Ali so I can stay with Cameron for the night. I kiss Ali goodnight and make my way back to Cam. It's already a little past midnight and we all have to be up early for a team meeting so everyone is asleep. Kelley texted the team to tell them that Cam was well to ease their worry.

I make my way to Cam's room. When I enter, I hear her lightly snoring. I went and slept on Kelley's bed.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I feel myself wake up when I am tapped on the shoulder. I look up and see Cameron. There's enough light shining into the room to see Cameron was crying. She just shakes her head signalling that she doesn't want to talk about it. I know it's probably another nightmare/flashback and it hurts that I can't fix it. So I end up doing the only thing I know will help her. I lift up my blanket and slide over making room for her lay down. 


AN: Reread this chapter and basically the whole chapter is about rest. Sorry for the short filler but I wanted to give you something better than nothing. 

Stay happy and safe,


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