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a/n: i don't usually do a/ns but bro when i tell you to, you better scroll back up here to play the song, that is all

jimin looked at the time on his phone in anticipation. he was at the bar, drinking his worries away, at least to some extent. of course jungkook was with him. he had to spend every moment he could with the angel, in case he didn't make it back alive. he told jungkook he'd have to go at midnight, that he couldn't stick around long. now they were just wasting the minutes that seemed to go by so quickly.

10:30 pm.

"two shots, spriytus vodka," jimin said, putting his now empty shot glass back onto the wooden bar countertop. he slid it back for the bartender to take as he hung his head.

"are you sure kid? you already had--"

jimin stared at the bartender with his menacing scarlet orbs.

"two shots... c-coming up..." the bartender said, pouring the very alcoholic beverage into two more shot glasses. he passed them towards the two supernatural beings. jimin raised the glass up slightly before downing it like it was nothing.

"jimin do you think you might wanna calm down?" jungkook said, staring into the shallow glass, wondering if he should even take the drink.

"if you won't drink that i will," jimin said, completely ignoring whatever it was that jungkook said. jungkook sighed, sliding him the glass with the back of his hand.

jimin smirked and tilted his head back as the alcohol burned down this throat. more minutes passed. many shots later, before he knew it, he had an hour left. the demon just kept taking the shots like they were water, he didn't seem affected by them at all really. maybe that was another demonic perk.

jungkook remained concerned and confused as to why alcohol was jimin's outlet as if it would help to escape his problems. most people drink to forget, but if the alcohol didn't affect jimin the same way, what was the point? he liked the taste?

"what's gonna happen to you, jimin?" jungkook asked bluntly. jimin's eyes couldn't meet his. the demon kept his stare into random space, looking dazed.

"don't know, i might die," he said truthfully, with a small laugh, as if death was a joke to him. "and in the event that i do die, i just want to say, i  wished i fucked you sooner."

"your priorities seem to be in order," jungkook said, trying to lightened the firmly heavy mood before jimin said jimin kinds of things.

jimin let out a lazy laugh, shaking his head slowly as if he wasn't even controlling it. he rested his elbows on the bar's countertop, hanging his head between his shoulders.

11:45 pm.

there was no way he losing track of time.

"i would kiss you, but i don't want to put you in more trouble--" jungkook's words were interrupted by jimin's lips on his. a pain, sharper than before passed through their lips. the same blood dripped out through the sides of their lips.

"your kisses are like drugs," jimin mumbled. "and i'm addicted."

"don't say that you bad, bad boy," jungkook mumbled, holding the red haired male close to him.

"did you expect me to have the mouth of a good boy?" jimin asked, a smirk of his own playing across his lips.

"guess not."

11:57 pm.

"you better go, before you really do come back dead," jungkook kissed the top of jimin's head, his eyes resting on the clock of the bar.

"i'll be back," jimin said, holding onto jungkook's hand as long as he could before walking away.


jimin went out of the bar, running over to the darkest place in the street that he could. he picked up a stone and threw at a nearby window of some abandoned building. he picked up one of the shards of broken glass and dragged it across the skin on his right arm.

he winced at the pain, but didn't have time to think about it. he quickly took his left finger, dipping into the blood that poured from his arm, and began drawing with it on his cut arm. the satanic drawing made a red glow, it was working. in the span of short moments, he was no longer on earth.

he was now stood at the flaming doors of hell's throne room. the room where the devil himself resided. he pulled his sleeve over his arm to hide the cut and hell portal, as he walked through the doors. his entire body shook in fear as he walked along the dark red carpet that lead up to where the devil was sitting. he had a flaming black scepter in his hand, while he sat on a black marble throne, with little firing torches on both side of him. menacing.

jimin saw that yoongi stood at the side of the large throne. their gazes only met for short moments. even jimin's eyes shook as he look to his side, seeing the pools of hellfire water that boiled and splashed onto the surface, causing small amounts of smoke.

"jimin..." the devil said in a booming voice.  jimin was struck out of his daze as he stared the devil dead in the eyes.

"yes?" the responded.

"it looks like you've been having fun," the devil said, smirking evilly, as he acknowledged the purple marks on jimin's neck.

"i was put on earth to sin—" jimin closed his eyes, as the devil interrupted him with an authoritative voice.

"wrong," he said, as he stepped down from the throne, a maroon colored cloak trailing behind him as he walked. "you were  put on earth to make others sin and overtake the light," he said, standing face to face with jimin.

"and i had—"

"wrong once again, you messed around with everything you shouldn't have," he said angrily.

"i didn't know," jimin admitted. there was some truth to that, at least he didn't know in the beginning.

"but the fact that you continued after knowing? do you think that's acceptable," the devil said, with a grunt, sending a hot gust of winds towards jimin, pushing his back into the hard, jagged, rock walls. jimin fell to the ground with a thud, stumbling back to his feet. he held onto the places that hurt most, while he coughed up blood. the devil only sneered at his pain.

"pathetic," the devil said. he picked up jimin and tossed the demon into the air. his scepter shifted into a black whip, which he used to hit jimin to the other side of the room. he screamed in pain as his back hit another part of the wall. his clothes were becoming torn at the beating that seemed to go on forever.

"how will you ever learn, you don't even try to fight back," the devil said, dragging jimin to the river, the dreaded lake of fire.

"no..." the smaller demon mumbled as his eyes widened in fear, realizing what was coming next. he had only heard stories about the lake, he never thought he would be one to experience it. the devil's scepter returned to it's original shape, minus the flame. jimin was on the end of it, dangling over the boiling lake. he was shaking in fear, but the more he struggled, the less of a grip he had on the scepter.

"you may have been one of my best creations, but that means nothing when your own creation defies your authority," the devil said, carelessly, tossing jimin's scratches, bruised, limp body into the bubbling waters without a second thought.

and still, despite all of his pain, jungkook was still the only thing on his mind.

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