thirty - END -

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"so you never got to tell me... what happened back at the apartment after i left?" jimin asked, holding his boyfriends hand as the walked the streets of the city.

jungkook looked at the sky briefly in thought, while he pursed his lips together.

"the tension in the air broke... i don't know if you felt it, but once you both were out, i could tell something happened... anyway, i could move the salt now since your presence wasn't there anymore," jungkook admitted. the older nodded his head along while the angel spoke.

"i came back and you were on the ground... why?"

"that... i suddenly started feeling weak, really weak by the time i was nearly finished cleaning up the salt, i was going to take the rest away when i just collapsed in the middle of the floor..." jungkook reminisced. the scene replayed vividly in his mind.

it's been a couple of weeks since then. jimin has spent so much time helping jungkook get used to his new life, that he had forgotten about the events of that day and how they all almost died.

"if it wasn't for you, we could've died," jimin said with a small laugh.

"what? no— if it wasn't for your quick thinking we would've died... you and yoongi sent yourselves to hell after all," he said, playing pushing his red haired boyfriend.

"yoongi said if he or i came back to the apartment and the salt wasn't up, we would've died, so really..." jimin said, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, staring into jungkook's amber orbs. "you did save us."

"then you saved me," jungkook said with a smile.

"hm... not really, my dad did all the work, i just brought you there," jimin rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. "you're giving me too much credit is all..."

jungkook took his fingers and gently held onto jimin's chin, forcing the demon to look in his eyes.

"you saved me in more ways than one you know..." jungkook mumbled.

"how could i have done that? you didn't need me at all..." jimin mumbled. it was like him to begin feeling guilty even though jungkook reminded him countless times that he wouldn't prefer it any other way. the day jimin and jungkook met, it always made him feel weird.

or the day they kissed for the first time. it made him feel worse knowing that was the first sign that they couldn't... or shouldn't be together. but they both kept pushing through the pain that warned them to stop, then they both had to face consequences for it.

"my life... was just a spec in the universe, and it still is... i'm nothing significant no matter how much heaven told me i was," jungkook said. he sighed softly, his breath hitting jimin's skin. "i might just be a spec in the universe... but at least i have another spec of the universe to live it with," he placed a gentle kiss onto the plump lips of the demon.

jimin fluttered his eyes shut, enjoying the moment and expecting the metal taste of blood to seep through their lips. but there was nothing. jimin pulled away in confusion. he usually expected the blood, that it was more concerning that there was none.

"you aren't bleeding..." jimin mumbled, carefully touching jungkook's lips to make sure it was real.

"and you aren't either," jungkook laughed. the two stayed together, tenderly staring into each other's eyes. their lips happily connected again, realizing the blood was the last thing that 'stopped' them. even though nothing ever stopped them. it was almost like they weren't standing in the middle of a busy sidewalk. as if everything in the world could stop for them.

"and hey, i'm not a spec of the universe, i'm the prince of hell," jimin said once they finally pulled away. he playfully swatted jungkook's arm. the younger couldn't help but laugh at the words.

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